Chapter 7

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Josh: hey! wanna come over for a film later? ;)

Felix: Sure! It has been such a long day, i seriously need to relax :(

Josh: Tell me about it! I'll see you at 7pm darling, we can cuddle and watch a film

Felix: See you soon honey <3

Felix put his phone down and walked to his office. It was small and dingy but it was his and had little markings of him all over: the walls and windowsills, the table and his desk, at dotted with little smiley faces and quotes, plants and books. There was stacks of paper in every corner and Felix's desk tucked into the back of the room. He unlocked the door after a while of fumbling with the keys on his lanyard and he walked in; throwing his bag on the spare seat where some patients of lower severity would sit. He pulled his chair out from its position tucked under the desk, a slight groove in the cushioning, a dent exactly the same size of Felix's petite frame showing how long he had been sat there previously, hunched over his coffee mug stained desk looking at his laptop.

He stretched his legs out and his arms, cracked his knuckles and set off boiling the kettle to make  some tea while he logged on to his laptop. "ah... feels good to be back!" Felix stated, before his face dropped upon seeing the long list of unopened emails. "I take back what i just said....." He dropped his head onto the desk and groaned "whyyy?!". Eventually the kettle stopped heating up the water and Felix was able to pour himself a cup of berry flavoured tea.

Felix settled back in his seat and began answering the endless emails; some of which shocked him and made him wonder how they landed this job in the first place.
2 hour.
He spent 2 hours telling people how to do the job they get paid to do or booking meetings with patients and their families or telling new nurses where their patients rooms were.

Finally, the clock stroked 4 and Felix could go home. He quickly drank the rest of his tea, logged off his laptop and shoved it back into his bag, hauling it onto his back and rushing out down the hallway... only to run back and lock the door before rushing off again.

(time skip cos i have no patience :)    )

Felix made it home at 5:30 pm, gosh the traffic was bad! He almost got crashed into by a van at a roundabout and then almost ran over some kids on bikes at a junction! But atleast he still had quite a bit of time before he had to leave his apartment and go up to Josh's.

Felix decided to use his time well and take a shower, refreshing himself from the day. 

The warm water trickled down his body softly, and splashed onto the floor of the shower, the light thudding on his skin a pure melody. He shampooed and conditioned his hair and then grabbed the honey scented body gel, massaging it into his body. His legs up to his hips, ass, waist and stomach, then to his chest, arms and eventually his neck. Felix stepped back into the water watching the bubbles slide down his body onto the floor just the like the constant flow of water. He stepped out and wrapped himself in a towel, lathered his body in shea body butter and then walked to his bedroom to get changed. He turned on his Alexa and played ' Polaroid love' by enhyphen, deciding to dress casually. He chose some black joggers and a white cropped top which had strings attached at the bottom that looped around his stomach and tying in a bow at his waist. He slipped on some black socks and random white trainers he fished out from under his bed: by then it was 6:30 pm. Still having time, he chose to chill on the couch until 6:55pm when he left his apartment and headed up a flight of stairs, ending up on Josh's floor.

He knocked on Josh's door and rocked back and forth on his feet as he waited. Soon after the door opened and Josh stepped aside, letting Felix in with a grin. "It's good to see you out of your work for once Lix! II swear you are always there" Josh chuckled and shut the door behind Felix. "I live a busy life, i can never usually sit down for more than 5 minutes!" Felix took off his shoes and they both plopped down on the couch close to one another, shoulders touching, feet tangled together in their own embrace.

Josh turned on the big TV which was elevated up on the wall ahead of them, and the screen jolted to life. The options page of 365 days was displayed on the screen. "let me grab something before we start!"  Josh scurried off and came back with some popcorn and a glass of wine each. "now, lets relax and rewind" Felix sighed in content and they pressed play. The two close 'friends' directed their eyes to the screen.

The film had them both blushing and absent-mindedly moving closer together but never making a move on the other out of fear. All i can say is they both got pretty hot and bothered by the end of the film. After the film, Felix opened his phone to find he had missed calls from the night-shift boss and so decided he should probably head back to his apartment to see what they could possibly need at almost 10pm.

He stood up, gave a loving goodbye hug to Josh and headed to the door. He slipped his shoes back on, thanked Josh once more and left. Once returned to his apartment, he locked the door, took off his shoes and socks and sat down on the couch. He entered the password into his phone and dialed the Boss, holding the phone up to his ear and hearing the regular buzz.

the boss answered.

Felix: Hello? is everything okay

Boss: It's all okay now... but i thought i should fill you in on the problem we just had with your patients....

Author's note:

Hello loveliessss! I'm back and with a cliffhanger! HAHA! what did you think? please please dont forget to vote and comment, im so thankful for all the support I've gotten so far <3  if anyone ever has any ideas feel free to comment them and i'll try my best to incorporate them if i think they fit! Hope everyone's day was good and dont forget to check out my other book!

Author out!

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