Chapter 4

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WARNING: This chapter contains mention of murder, description of murder, SH, Depression, Gore, Police, psychotic behavior

if you are uncomfortable with any of these subjects i advise you to not read ahead <3

3rd person POV:

Felix was quick to fill out each patients form on how they had behaved that day, shuddering when he got to Lee Know's form, but he attempted to force the dreadful memory out of his aching head and instead relish in the glory that he could go home soon. He was supposed to see another patient today but they were feeling unwell and for Felix's safety and the patients, it was decided their session could wait till the next day.

15 minutes later, Felix signed his signature messily at the bottom of the last form and let out a slight squeak of excitement  at finally being able to go home and eat ramen in bed while watching his favorite k-drama (BL ofc ) . He shoved the forms into their designated boxes then quickly scanned his keycard at the exit and left the tall, depressing building, running to the bus stop just in time to catch the bus and then settled into a seat far from everyone else.

*2 AM*

Felix was, shamefully,  still awake and watching tv when his phone rang. The screen of the small device lit up with the night shift Boss' name in big writing. Although confused, Felix answered the call.
"Felix? Hi, sorry to wake you up so early but we have a biggggg issue" Their voice could be heard trembling even from Felix's end of the phone.

"No problem boss, truthfully, i haven't slept yet anyways. What happened?"

"Why are you awake still- nevermind. It's Han. He attempted to murder one of your replacement nurses! We can't hold off you seeing him any longer, he kept repeating your name too! I think you might need to come down here... please?" The poor woman was practically begging.

Felix cursed under his breath. "Shit... I'll be right there and uh.... make sure no one enters his room or attempts to talk to him"
His boss gave a hum of agreement  and then hung up, but not before repeating to Felix to please hurry.

And hurry Felix did. He changed into appropriate clothing, brushed his hair and teeth and was in a taxi 10 minutes later. The drive was only 13 minutes and Felix arrived at work at 2:30am. He shoved money into the taxi drivers hands and then set off at a sprint into the building.
He ran down several twisting corridors, ignoring the pitying looks he got from the nightshift nurses.

He scanned his keycard at the door he had entered through several hours prior, and jogged down the hallway to Han's room. Felix had been there many times before so he knew where it was, but even if he had never been there, he would have been able to tell exactly where the room is by the amount of doctors sat with the injured nurse just outside. That poor nurse almost being the 4th victim of Han Jisung that very night.


Now, before we resume our story and allow Felix to enter Han's room, i find it quite fitting to inform you on the sad, gruesome past of one Han Jisung


Han was a talented young boy, packed full of imagination and ready to live a good life. He was smart and polite, a good member of the city community! But most of all, he was an artist. And  a talented one at that. He won competitions and awards, even had his art framed in the city hall when he was 14!


When Han turned 16 he fell into depression. He was already bullied for how smart he was and even though his bullies were the reason he got depression, the continued to bully him more.
Han would SH daily, but never tried to kill himself. The reason you ask? Well, he needed revenge of course! Han spent 3 years waiting for the right time to carry out his horrid plan.

He was in university when he lured his old bullied into his art classroom and beat them all to death with a spiked baseball bat until their blood stopped spilling out their punctured bodies and instead pooled around them like some sort of sacred ritual.

The next morning, after a putrid smell of blood was reported to the police coming from the east side of the school, police burst into the locked art room to be met with a haunting sight...

The bullies bodies now found themselves dismembered, cut up into random pieces. They had been stacked on top of eachother in some sort of artistic pattern and Han stood there in the middle of it all. He was turned facing the bodies, covered in blood as he pained innocent flowers onto the indecent sight. A perfect contrast.

Upon being arrested and questioned, Han answered truthfully with  a chilling grin and words that i am sure still haunt those police officers even now.


"well i think my art was beautiful! those...projectile rats deaths were simply a small sacrifice for a big art-piece! they have finally been put to...good use. " Han laughed crazily.

*present tense*

He killed 3 people that day. Yet he could not be sent to prison as he was not cleared as sane and was unable to represent himself in court. And so, he is now cursed to a life in these plain, cold walls.

Well then! I think you know enough to understand now.... Back to the story!


Han's room door was unlocked and Felix scurried in, breaking the blood splattered boy from his trance.
"LIXXIEEEEEEEEE!" Han ran and hugged his Lixxie with all his might, refusing to let go now he finally, finally had a hold of his baby.
"I missed you my Lixxie! I-I made a painting for you" I couldn't quite get the shadings right because its quite hard to shade with blood i tried! and-and that's all the matters right?"

Felix couldn't  answer that. He instead blurted out one word. "Why?"
Han took a step closer. "Why what baby?"
"Why did you try kill that poor nurse Hannie?" Felix's voice trembled horrendously...
"Well because she-she tried to replace you baby! I wont let anyone replace you~"
"No one would replace me, i was just having a break for a bit" Felix was almost pleading, just wanting to beg and beg until Han agreed to not hurt anyone anymore.  But deep down, both Felix and Han knew,  that would never happen.

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