Chapter 9

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Felix's dream POV:

MY eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the bright light that fills the room and effects my vision. I tried to sit up but i could not, held down by invisible forces that made me ache, muscles full of lead and mouth full of cotton; i can not scream nor yell for help, i can  not wail or cry, i am inevitably stuck to the cold, uncomfortable bed. 
An uncomfortable buzz spreads throughout the room, settling over me and ringing in my ears. Then in stops.
I hear the distinct click of a door opening and although i know it is no use, i try twist around to see who just entered the room. But there is no need because they are approaching, their shadow looming over me but they are just out of sight, aggravation trickles into my head, desperate to see who the shadow belongs to...


He stands over me, the corners of his lips turned up into a sinister smirk. "I told you we'd get you. You may be smart Lixxie but i am smart, you may be fast, by we are faster, and you may hide but this is a game of hide and seek, we are the seekers and we will find you."

Laughter fills the room, but not just one person's laughter, several people, circled around me like I'm some sort of sacrifice in a satanic ritual. I feel the muscles in my neck creak as i finally find leverage to move it slightly and when i do i see y patients, all of them, circled around me like i was their prey....and i think i am.

Chan leans down, his face mere inches from mine, his breath hot against my cheek and he grins. Confusion and fear courses through my veins as my eyes meet his and are unable to break away. "hello slut. It seems i cant leave you alone, as soon as i do you go spread your legs for another man! You're such a cheating slut" he smirks and smacks me round the face, pain flaring through my head and i tighten my jaw so as to not let any sounds of pain out. He examines quietly then leans even closer, him mouth grazing against my own "if you ever... act like a slut for another man again...i will punish you myself and it will be far worse than a silly slap." 

And he steps away again, and i feel numb. I freeze, things going on around me but i hear non e of it. I see everything, i see Lee know caressing me, Changbin sobbing over my unmoving body,  Hyunjin murmuring prayers and Han painting something... I think my face? I cant see I.n , but i know he is stood behind me, playing with my hair .... Innie must be in control right now. 

Tears roll down my face, i just want it to stop! Lee Know dives forward and licks a stripe up my face, tasting my tears on his tongue and moaning at the taste. My mouth begins to clear, i move my tongue around, reaching to the roof of my mouth and along my bottom teeth. I breathe in and out, swallowing heavily. "Let me go please! " i yell out, but they dont reply, it's like they cant hear me no matter how much i yell! Suddenly, they step away, and Jisung moves forward, stood Infront of me as i try shuffling away but it was no use. "Sleep well Lixxie~" and just as my face began to twist with confusion i saw him lift a large pan and swing it down towards my face.

3rd person pov:

Felix sat up faster than he ever had, chest heaving as he attempted to suck in as much air as he could, his body covered in a cold sweat that dampened his duvet and bed. He sat there for a few minutes, in a fetal position, rocking himself back and forth in an attempt at calming down and when he finally felt he was calm enough he turned his phone on to see the time was 4:30 am. Knowing there was no point in trying to fall back to sleep in the sweat dampened bed, he opted to run a bath. The water poured into the bath slowly, mixing with the  sweet bath soak he had added in and the bath salts that were scattered all around the bottom of the bath. He pattered into the kitchen to get the lighter and pattered right back into the bathroom, lighting the candle wick and letting the light black opium scent fill the room. He stripped off his sticky shirt that was plastered to his back and then rolled down his shorts till they landed of the floor with a prompted 'thump' . he hung his towel on the door and watched in a light daze as the bath filled up with water, until it was where he wanted it and then he turned the tap off. Felix slipped his bare body under the waters surface, hissing at the warmth, wanting the water to be hot enough that he could only just bare it.

And then he simply laid there, head tilted back against the sides of the bath, breathing softly and letting the water envelop him. Eventually, the water started to cool and the clock on the wall said it was 5:30am so Felix quickly washed his hair and body, heaved himself up out the bath and onto the rug. He bundled himself up in his towel and tottered into his bedroom to change. He remained silent the whole time as he slid on his boxers, ironed black trousers and white jumper, still in a daze. However, he broke himself out of it after having some coffee and a fruit bowl, finally feeling more like himself as he was able to brush off the bad dream and push it to the back of his mind.

He wanted to help the environment so he took the bus whenever he could, and today was one of those days. He shuffled onto the bus and took a seat on the left; no one sat next to him. After 3 stops, the bus had filled and an older lady sat next to him, the both of them enjoying conversing together about her plans for her upcoming birthday. As the bus pulled into Felix's stop, he bowed and said goodbye to the older lady, thanked the bus driver and got off the bus. 

He walked quickly across the main  road and through his work's carpark, entered the building and scanned his employee card. He headed to the staff room, still having 15 minutes till his shift properly started and he made himself another coffee while conversing with his co-workers. 

Authors note:

Hello Lovelies, As promised! next chapter is hereeee! It is the 2 weeks off now, i did a lot the past 2 days! i took some things to the charity shop this morning and got myself some chocolate x Tell me how your days are being spent in the comments! dont forget to vote my lovelies! mwah!

author out <3

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