Chapter 10

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"Okay so what's up?" She said sitting down. "Would you want to go out with me sometime..." Dean said nervous. Allison laughed standing up walking closer to him. "Is the famous big bad hunter asking a vampire on a date?" She said crossing her arms having a smirk. "Yes..." He said laughing. "I would love to." She said smiling as him. Dean let out a sigh of relief making her laugh. "You were seriously that nervous?" She said walking back outside with him when Rebekah came up. She handed Allison and Dean pieces of paper smiling. "Bonfire do it now." She said walking away making Allison laugh.

"You heard the boss." Allison said going to living grabbing them pens. "What am I suppose to be doing?" He asked confused. "Old Mikaelson tradition, you write a wish on the paper then we burn it." Allison says writing her smiling big. "What's it do?" Dean asked writing his. "It's just a fun tradition." She said walking outside. "Can I?"Allison asks motioning to Hope. "Of course." Hayley says smiling as she passes Hope to Allison. "Hello angel. You ready for your first Mikaelson bonfire." Allison says bouncing Hope giggling. Sam and Dean watched her smiling big. "Look what I found!" Rebekah said running out with a Polaroid camera. "Bloody hell." Klaus said rolling his eyes. "Nik you take the picture! You have the long arms" She said handing him the camera. Everyone got together minus Sam and Dean. "Both of you get the bloody hell over here!" Rebekah yelled at them. "It's a family moment." Sam said putting his hands up. "Yeah and you helped save my daughter and let us see her so get in here now." Hayley said making them come over.

"In that case, klaus hand Sam the camera. He's the tallest plus arm length." Allison said smiling. Klaus handed him the camera getting behind Hayley and Elijah. Sam got next to Rebekah as Dean came behind Allison holding her from behind. Everyone smiled as Sam took the picture. He grabbed it showing everyone. "Perfect!" Rebekah says taking it. "What are you going to do with it?" Allison asked laughing at her reaction. "Keep it so hope has it when she gets older, baby pictures!" She says going into the house.

"So when did you want to go out?" Dean asked looking down at Allison. "Maybe tonight? I know a place that has good drinks and food. Plus we can leave early so I can talk to someone." Allison said as he put his arm around her shoulder. "Hold on!" Rebekah said coming out of the house with a huge smile. "Date?!" She said grabbing Allison's arm pulling her away from Dean. "Hayley come on! We have to get this girl ready to go!" Rebekah said dragging her towards her room. "Sorry!" Allison yelled looking back at Dean.

Rebekah sits Allison down on her bed. "Let me go get my makeup back. Hayley since she has hope you pick her out an outfit!" Rebekah says leaving. "I'm just taking him to Rousseau's. It's not a big deal" Allison said bouncing Hope on her leg. "I'm sorry last I checked you have never been on a really date?" Rebekah said coming back in the room closing the door. "Wait you haven't been on a really date? How old are you?" Hayley asked looking through Allison clothes. "170. Look when I was human my brothers were just way over protective and still are. Now I just normally take a guy out then drain them." Allison standing up with Hope. "Nope sit down makeup." Rebekah said.

"So you've never been on a real date.." Hayley said making Allison roll her eyes as Rebekah did her makeup. "Excluding the times you've used them as blood bags." Rebekah said making Allison sigh. "Then no."

"Have you slept with anyone?" Hayley said curiously laying out an outfit.

"I don't see why that matters."

"So then no." Hayley says laughing as she lays Allison's outfit out.

"Okay makeup done, get dressed." Rebekah says as Hayley takes Hope smiling. "We will make sure your suitor is ready!" Rebekah says leaving the room with Hayley.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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