Chapter 2

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Allison woke up the next morning seeing the other girls awake. She rolled her eyes getting up going to them in the kitchen. "Oh good you're up! Get ready because we are going shopping! We have to since we start senior year tomorrow. We figured you could get some just because stuff!" Caroline said making Allison rub her head. "Dear god are you always so loud and annoying in the mornings." Allison mutters grabbing a change of clothes. She came back down seeing them ready to go. "Yay! Girls day!" Caroline cheered linking arms with Allison as they all walk to the square.

Caroline dragged them store to store. Allison only bought a few things where as the others had lots of bags. Placing her bags down on the bench sighing while the others get coffee. Allison rolled her eyes hearing a familiar voice behind her. "Didn't take you for a shop till you drop girl." Dean said. Allison turned around smirking at them. "I'm not but all of this means my big brother owes me. And let's just say I love it when they owe me favors."

"The one that came and got you last night?" Sam asks making Allison shakes her head. "No, Stefan. He's the one dating Elena." Allison said chucking sitting with them on the bench with them. "He didn't seem too happy about you talking to us." Sam said laughing. "He wasn't, he's the oldest so most protective." Allison says crossing her arms. "As an older brother I get that. But we don't bite." Dean says chuckling. "So can I help you both or are you just stalking me now?" Allison asks making Sam and Dean laugh. "Not stalking we promise. But there was another murder last night. Did you know her, her name was, Jennifer Smith she was 32. You seem to know lots of people." Dean asked handing her a picture and moving to face her. Allison looked at it shaking her head. "No sorry, I mean we get random people that pass by but I don't remember ever seeing her." She said handing the picture back. "So complete dead end." Sam said sighing as the girls came back.

"Hi! You must be new to town! I'm Caroline, this is Elena and Bonnie!." Caroline said with a huge smile handing Allison a coffee. Dean waved at them smiling, both girls noticed the boys gaze never left Allison for long. "I'm Sam and this is Dean." He said motioning between him and Dean. "Well I have to get going." Allison said standing up grabbing her bags. "Well we could come with you and help with your bags." Dean said with a smirk. "Yeah what's the harm?" Dean asked standing up with Sam. "I'm a big girl." Allison says walking away. "Can we at least finally get a name then?" Sam asks smiling softly at her. Allison pretends to think, "That would ruin this fun game." Allison says leaving.
Allison came home seeing Stefan and Damon waiting for her with their arms crossed. "Can I help you?" She says crossing her arms back at them after putting her bags down. "Wanna explain why you were talking to the hunters again?" Stefan asked making Allison scoff. "You know what how about I just kill them instead and we forget this whole thing." Damon says smiling. "Fine do it, I don't care." Allison says walking up to her room slamming the door.
Allison came downstairs a few hours later seeing Elena and all her friends. She rolled her eyes grabbing her bag leaving not wanting to talk to them. She got in her car heading to the hotel going up to Sam and Deans room knocking. Dean opened the door holding the gun behind it immediately putting it down when he sees who it is. "Wow guns out and everything. Must be a nasty killer you're looking for. For the FBI to have all of this." She says walking in seeing all the weapons. Dean and Sam look at each other before looking back at her.

"We aren't actually FBI...." Sam says watching at her mess with some of the weapons. "Oh please that part was obvious. I mean no offense" She says smirking. "Wait what's that suppose to mean?" Dean says offended. "It means I'm not an idiot." Allison says sitting down. "So wanna tell me the truth?" She says holding one of the knives.

"We are what people call hunters. We hunt things that aren't meant to be here." Dean says taking the knife from her making her laugh. "Oh really. Then why are you here?" She says standing up going toe to toe with him. "We believe something supernatural is killing those people." He said smirking down at her. "And do tell what you believe is doing it." She says sitting back down crossing her legs and arms. "Sammy thinks vampire. Which I agree with." He says cleaning up their weapons. "Yeah or get this could be some fucked up human?"

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