Chapter 3

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Allison came back in the hotel room with her hands full seeing Sam and Dean were awake. "Well look who's finally awake." She said setting coffee and breakfast down on the table. "Yeah, we woke up and thought you ditched us." Sam said laughing getting up grabbing his food and coffee along with Dean. "Well I hate owing people. So I figured since you both let me crash with you last night coffee and breakfast. Plus I needed clothes." Allison said shrugging sitting down. "You don't know what a comfy clothes day is do you?" Dean asked as she tossed him back his clothes from last night. "Haha funny." Allison said rolling her eyes.

"So since you both have solved this hunter murder or whatever. What's next for you both?" She asked dreading the answer. She hates it admit it but she likes being around them see feels safe and comfortable. "Well if it's okay with you, we were thinking of sticking around for a bit. The town seems nice." Sam said smiling at her. The reason both brothers wanted to stay was for Allison even if they would never admit it to each other. "So our small town has grown on you?" She said with a smirk making Dean and Sam laugh. "Something like that." Sam sat smiling at her.

"Well, I sadly do have to get going. I have to deal with Damon." Allison says standing up waving at them leaving.

Allison heads home heading in slowly. "You come back to apologize?" Damon says looking at her from the couch. "No I was coming here so you can." She says setting her coffee down. "Did you kill them or get rid of them?" He asks standing up. "No and it's not going to happen." She said walking closer to him crossing her arms. "They're dangerous Allison, I'm just trying to protect you. So you are going back to that hotel and telling them to get lost or I'll make sure we never have to worry about put them again." He says as they stand toe to toe. "Neither is going to happen. In fact they're staying in town longer." Allison said smirking. "Then leave. I'm not going to have you putting everyone else in danger. I love you, you know that but if they find out we are all as good as dead." He says walking away leaving Allison in tears.

Stefan comes over about to put his hand on her shoulder when she put her hand up. "Don't touch me. I might not like Elena but I never made you both choose like he's doing to me. So I'm going to pack my bag like he wants." Allison says heading up stairs packing up a few things she'll need throwing it in her car, getting in.

Allison arrives to the hotel as Sam and Dean were leaving. They quickly stopped and ran over to her. "Hey what happened?" Sam asked seeing her in tears. "Damon kicked me out. He said I can come back when I learn to grow up and listen to him." She said as Dean wiped her tears taking her bag. "Come on, you're staying with us." He said as Sam put his hand on her back walking with her to their room. "No it's fine really. I'll get a room of my own." She says trying to walk to the front desk. Sam stops her laughing. "Hey you already got attacked and kicked out. No way we are leaving you alone." He says making her roll her eyes. "As you both saw I can take care of myself." She says crossing her arms. "Okay, make you a deal. You can get your own room if you finally tell us your name." Dean says with a smirk. "Fine let's go." Allison says walking ahead of them with a smile.

Allison sits down on the bed she slept in last night taking off her shoes. "I am curious, why do you keep fighting us on telling us your name?" Sam asked making Allison shrug. "It's fun messing with you both. Oh that reminds me, do you both happen to have a suit...?" Allison asks with a mischievous grin. "Oh no, why?" Dean asks hating suits. "Well, every year there is this party hosted at the Lockwood mansion and I wanted you both to come with me tonight. It's a masquerade ball." She says with a smile. "I'd love to." Sam says smiling at her. Allison looks over with a please face. "Fine. This better with worth wearing a suit though." He says pointing at her. Allison laughs nodding. "Make you a deal. You both can finally learn my name tonight." She says getting up taking some of Dean's candy. "I think that counts as worth it." He says smiling at her. "Perfect it's set."
Allison and the boys relaxed in their room before getting ready. Allison quickly did her hair in the bathroom while the boys changed. She put on her dress and shoes (picture below). "Am I good to come out?" She asked wanting to make sure they were ready. "Yeah." They yelled in unison. Allison came out of the bathroom grabbing her bag and mask. She looked at her stuff making sure she had everything not realizing Sam and Dean were staring at her. She turned to them rolling her eyes. "If you both are just going to be creeps all night, I'll just go by myself." She said walking out the door. Sam and Dean quickly followed behind her. "You boys going to behave?" She asks about to head to her car. "Of course, best behavior. But what kind of gentleman would we be if we didn't drive you." Dean said turning her towards baby. "Oh so behaving and gentlemen." She said as Sam opened the passenger door for her making her laugh as she got in with them.

Dean parked as close as he could nodding at Sam as they both got out going to Allison's door opening it for her. She laughed shaking her head at them connecting her arms with theirs walking in. Sam and Dean looked around nervously when a girl came up hugging her tight. "I've missed you." She said smiling. "I've missed you too. Excuse me while I borrow your date boys." She said taking Allison into another room. "Mm they're cute." She said eyes back at them. "Kat I love you but off limits." She asked looking around putting her mask up. "Fine. I have my brothers you have yours. Speaking of which I wonder here mine are. Have to make my grand entrance." She said bitting her lip looking around. "I'm all for it just be careful, no killing anyway. The boys I'm here with are hunters. I just got them off our trail I don't need them starting back up again. As for my brothers, they've set a trap for you using Caroline. You still all set with your end?" Allison said handing her a small bag with some hair in it. "Of course, we both know once they learn I'm linked to their precious Elena. They won't hurt a hair on my head. As for your brothers, I'll be careful, as long as they don't interfere."

"Good, and Kat, you look amazing as always." Allison said walking back to Sam and Dean smiling. "Hey, who was that?" Sam asked looking back seeing Katherine walk away. "Someone I basically owe my life too." She says smiling at them walking up to the snack table. "Hey you seem more tense now. Everything okay?" Dean asked seeing that she keeps watching her surroundings. "Yeah, I'm great promise."

"I'm bored who wants to dance?" She asks looking at them smiling. "I'm not a dancer so you and Sam have fun." Dean says pointing to the bar going over. Allison laughs seeing Sam

"I'm bored who wants to dance?" She asks looking at them smiling. "I'm not a dancer so you and Sam have fun." Dean says pointing to the bar going over. Allison laughs seeing Sam holding his hand out smiling. She smiled up at him taking his hand walking to where everyone else was dancing. "You know, this might not be my scene but I'm glad I came." He said smiling down at her. "Oh don't get sappy on me." She says laughing looking away. "Okay, okay." He says laughing not taking his eyes off of her. Without either of them realizing it Dean was watching both of them jealous.

Stefan noticed coming up to him shaking his head. "Wanna win her over, best thing to do with her is flirt with her in a mean but playful way." He says making Dean look over. "I have no clue what you're talking about." He says putting his glass down. "Damon and I look at Elena the same way you both look at her. I might despise you because I'm protective over her, but I also know how stubborn she is. One thing her and Damon and in common is they will die on a principle, just because they can." Stefan says watching Allison and Sam before walking away.

Allison looks over seeing Katherine walk up to Stefan with another girl. "You know it's cold out here. How about we go inside?" She says grabbing him arm going over to Dean pulling them inside. "Okay what is going on?" Dean says a bit annoyed. "Look I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought you tonight. Enjoy the party we can talk about this later." Allison says quickly walking off finding Katherine.

"I told you not to kill anyone." She whisper yells to Katherine holding her arm. "I know what you said A. But seeing Stefan's face is just way too much fun."

"Well great because now I have to find a way to cover this up before they see."

"Fine you do that. No more killing I promise." She said walking away. She watches Allison walk to where Stefan put the body smirking to herself. She loves Allison she knows her better than she knows herself. Which is why she knew her plan was falling into perfect place.

Katherine walked up to Sam and Dean smiling at them. "You must be the famous Winchester brothers." She says smiling at them.

" She says smiling at them

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