Chapter 5

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Allison woke up the next morning seeing Dean was gone. "Hey." Sam said coming out of the bathroom in a towel and wet hair. "Hey. Sorry if I slept too long." Allison said going through her bag for an outfit. "It's fine you didn't. Being on the road and the life we were raised with we are just early risers." He said laughing. "Makes sense." She said heading into the bathroom changing into a black shirt and white shirt before coming out. "So I know the party is tonight but any other plans?" Sam asked finishing up getting dressed.

"Sadly. Since I know my brothers won't be home all day I have to get some stuff together for mayor Lockwood." She says putting on her jacket grabbing her purse. "Well Dean won't be back till closer to the party, he's doing something with Cas our friend. I could come and help you." Sam says. "Sure why not." Allison says heading to her car with Sam.

Allison drives to the Salvatore house parking heading in with him. "This house is huge." Sam says in amazement making Allison laugh as she takes him to the attic. "Yeah we have stuff dating back centuries, I'm mostly looking for one specific box. We keep all the stuff from 1860 together." Allison says looking around in the boxes.

Sam walks around the attic finding a trunk opened with old dresses found inside. "What's this?" He asked picking up on of the dresses. "Oh those were my great great grandmothers dresses more greats than that but you get the point." She said laughing taking the dress. She held it up to her laughing remembering when she wore it. She laid it back in the trunk closing it seeing the box. "There it is!" She said going over to it opening it up. "It is some jewelry, and just random in my opinion junk." She said closing it smiling at Sam. "Shall we then?" He asks making her laugh. "Sure but first I need to stop in my room." She says as Sam picks up the box following her to her room.

Allison points to the side of the door to signal him to set it down there. "You have a nice room." He says setting it down. "Thanks." She says noticing him going over to her book shelf. "You have so many original classics." He says pulling a book off her self. "They are, in fact we have a whole library. These are just strictly mine." She says moving to stand next to him. "I wish, that would be amazing." He says putting the book up seeing a picture of her and Mikaelson family. "Isn't that the vampire we killed?" Sam asks picking it up. "No Kol, he's harmless. Plus he's in New Orleans." Allison says taking the picture. "Plus he's alive, that vampire is dead. We set him on fire remember and he turned grey."

Sam nodded seeing a funny photo makes him laugh. "I love this photo." He says picking it up. "Nope give it back." She says trying to take it back but he holds it above his head laughing still. "It's an adorable photo though." He says as Allison gets on her bed jumping on his back taking it laughing. Sam laughed as she got off his back. Sam went to grab the picture but she moved it behind her back. Sam stood in front of her trying to reach behind her making her laugh. "You aren't getting this." She said still laughing. Sam laughed stopping, "Giving up so soon?" She says going to walk away to put the photo up when Sam grabs her wrist stopping her. She looks back at Sam smiling. "I thought you-" she started to say before Sam kissed her. Not thinking Allison immediately kissed back as Sam moved to hold her waist.

They pulled away slowly looking at each other. "We should get going. Carol will be wondering where I am..." Allison says moving away. Sam nods grabbing the box taking it to her car putting her in car.

Allison hopped in with Sam driving to the Lockwood house parking. She quickly got out going to grab the box when Sam stopped her. "I've got it." He said smiling at her picking it up. "Thank you." She said smiling up at him walking up to the door knocking. Tyler opened waving them in. "Carol out?" Allison asked following Tyler to the room the stuff will be in. "Yeah something dealing with the Gilbert stuff. Don't care really." He says pointing where to set the box. "So who's going to be your date? Or flying solo again to miss her off." Allison asks smirking. "I'm thinking of finding someone she will hate, ruin the event for her." He says laughing. "I mean if it wasn't for you being a founding family she would so hate you." Tyler says making Allison put a hand over her heart. "I take that as a compliment." She says laughing hugging him. "We will see you tonight." She says putting her hands on his shoulders. "Bringing them again?" He asked motioning towards Sam. "Yes I am." She says laughing. "I will see you tonight." She says leaving with Sam getting in the car.

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