Now You're Just A Ghost...

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Originally Posted on November 3, 2013 by redlipclassicstyles on Tumblr

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Based on Katy Perry's song 'Ghost'

Taylor read the text message for what felt like the thousandth time since receiving it a month ago. A month ago things had been perfect; she had the life she had always dreamed of with the guy she thought was her soul mate. But for some unforseen reason, that one text message had changed everything. Harry's feelings had changed and she couldn't quite grasp the idea. She didn't know if it was him or if she had done something wrong, but now she was stuck with the struggling idea of moving on from the love of her life. She hadn't seen the signs that something was wrong. She was stuck in her bubble of love and happiness and was clearly too naïve to even realize he was becoming distant.

Every night since then she would wait for hours, hoping and dreaming that he would walk through the door like nothing had happened. But somewhere deep inside her heart, Taylor knew he wasn't coming back. She felt like her heart, that was once whole, now had a piece missing. She wasn't sure if she would ever find the missing piece again. She wished she could have one last moment with him; maybe she could have fixed this. Maybe they wouldn't have ended up this way. But maybe this was something Taylor couldn't fix this time.

All she knew was that she had started to build a life with Harry, and now it was gone. One text message and he had vanished like he never existed, as if he was never alive. She could still see where he used to sit at the piano in the last few months of their relationship, teaching himself to play as Taylor would watch on. The bed they shared had become so empty; there was only a pillow where his head used to sleep and every morning Taylor still couldn't get used to waking up without him next to her.

It felt like now he was just a ghost. A part of her past, a door of her life she now had to close. It was time to open a new door that will lead her to a new chapter in her life. She needed to learn how to love herself the way she wanted Harry to love her.

'Cause every gift, every letter, every promise of forever
Now, it's out of sight
Like you were never alive...

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