This Isn't Over!

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Originally Posted on October 7, 2013 by redlipclassicstyles on Tumblr

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“Tay, it’s just a game.” He tried to reason with me, but I wasn’t going to have it.

It’s just a game!” I mocked him, screwing my face up as I stood up from the couch to head to the fridge. Harry followed me, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind as I tried to escape.

“Harry, I’m mad at you!” I slapped his arm playfully and he let go, throwing his hands into the air as some sort of defence. I just rolled my eyes, hiding my smile. Harry walked back over the couch, slouching into it as he picked back up his controller. “You’re just jealous that I can actually play the game.” I knew Harry was teasing, but I just shook my head, trying to put on a serious face but failing miserably. I was a very competitive person and Harry knew that. Anybody who knew me personally knew that. Plus his teasing only got me more fired up and more determined to beat him.

I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and taking a few large gulps, before putting it back. I looked over at Harry seriously. “How long till you’re needed on stage?” He looked down at the watch on his arm. “Eight minutes and counting.” Was his reply and I just bit my lip, nodding as I took my seat back on the couch next to him.

“More than enough time to beat. your. ass.” I wasn’t usually one to talk like that, but Harry had got me all fired up and I was more determined than ever to beat him.

“Damn babe, you’re sexy when you talk like that.” His hand moved from his controller to my upper thigh as his fingertips grazed over my skin. “But I could definitely think of… other things we could do in eight minutes…” I just slapped his hand away, picking up my controller as I looked at him seriously. “Are you kidding me? This is not the time for sex! Now teach me how to play this stupid game already!”

From the corner of his eye I saw him roll his eyes, but I just ignored it. I knew he wouldn’t be able to say no to me, and only seconds later he was sitting much closer to me, his hands on mine as he showed me which buttons to press and when. I watched his hands move intently, nodding as I started to understand.

“…So then you push this button to jump when you get to the hoop and this button to shoot.” Once Harry was finished showing me, we had wasted at least five minutes. But I wasn’t going to let him go on stage without playing one last game.

Harry picked up his controller and the both of us had our eyes fixed onto the TV screen. Harry would never let me win, he was just as competitive as me, but I would rather win fair and square than have him purposely lose for me. I did exactly as Harry had shown me, pressing the buttons continuously as I finally got the ball in the hoop. I threw the controller down, dancing around the room happily as Harry watched on.

“I guess I’m not as bad as you thought, huh?” Harry was walking towards me and I happily accepted his arms wrapping around me. For a second I thought he was going to kiss me, but his lips moved instead towards my ear, lingering only centimetres away as he whispered, “this isn’t over.” He smirked.

“Oooohhhhh!” I teased as he pulled away. “It’s on, Harry!” I watched Harry head towards the door as he waved back at me. He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face and that made me an extremely happy girl. “I’ll be here practicing!” I yelled before he was out of my sight but there was no reply. I definitely wasn’t kidding about the practicing part.

It. Was. On.

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