Marry Me, Juliette

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Originally Posted on October 17, 2013 by redlipclassicstyles on Tumblr

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Waking up next to him every morning, the stolen kisses and dinner dates, every single smile and laugh and the I love you’s every single day all meant so much more with him.

I looked over to the bed we shared to find Harry’s eyes staring at me as I hid my face in his t-shirt I had been wearing, taking in the scent of his cologne stained on it. I could see the smile forming on his face from the corner of my eye as he groggily kicked the covers back and slowly made his way towards me. He was only wearing boxer shorts and I tried not to stare; although I had seen it all before he still never failed to make my heart race.

“You should be in bed...” Harry sat next to me and pulled me in as I snuggled up into his warm body, the blanket now covering the both of us as it continued to rain heavily outside. I knew it had to be at least three am but sleep wasn’t an option right now. I was glowing in bliss and I don’t think anything could knock me down from this high. I didn’t reply to Harry; instead I twirled the ring that now occupied one of my fingers on my left hand. Harry started to place soft kisses on my neck and I sighed happily. His fingers grazed mine and I shivered a little, Harry only hugging me tighter.

“You like it?”

I nodded. “I love it.” I turned my body so I could see Harry’s face and his beautiful green eyes that I would get to look into every single morning for the rest of my life. I don’t know how I got this lucky with Harry.

“The proposal wasn’t too cheesy? Considering it didn’t actually go to plan…” I giggled slightly at Harry’s question. Shaking my head, I assured him it was fine. “It was absolutely perfect.” He had planned on proposing at dinner; he had made a reservation at our favourite restaurant but nothing ever went to plan with us. Instead, I had finished at the studio late which meant we lost our reservation. We still took a chance and drove into the city but got stuck when our car broke down. So in the middle of the empty street, the rain bucketing down, Harry had gotten down on one knee and proposed. It was everything I had thought it would be and more; it was perfect in my eyes.

“I’ve always loved rain.” Harry ran his fingers through my hair, chuckling at my comment. The way he held me tightly and as close to his body as he could get still made my heart beat ridiculously fast. “Not on our wedding day, though. I may become a slight bridezilla if the rain crashes our wedding day.”

I felt Harry’s lips on the top of my head as he placed a light kiss. “Babe it could rain for the rest of our lives for all I care. As long as I get to spend every single rainy day with you, I’ll be a happy man.” That sounded perfect to me.

Harry’s love was all I needed for the rest of my life. He was it for me; he was my rock, my soulmate and the love of my life. We had never let anyone get to us, and the comments and criticism only made our love stronger.

We were the perfect example of a happily ever after.

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