Game over

186 9 104

Naruto's pov

I was on the ground when Sakura-chan kicked me in the ribs again. I feel so frozen, I can't do anything. I want to cry but I'm too scared of making any sound.

- What? Won't you say anything? You finally get that you're too worthless to even defend yourself? - she asked sarcastically. - Say something! Cry! Scream! You useless fucking piece of shit! - she screamed and stomped on my head. 

I feel so dizzy, it hurts so much. It feels like my ribs are already broken. I tried to stand up but she swept me off my feet with another kick. I looked up at her and saw a kunai in her hand. Is this how I'm going to die? Is she going to kill me now? What about Kyuubi? Am I going to... loose control? I don't want that. I looked down and saw a pool of blood where my head was just a few seconds ago. I tried to stand up again but slipped on my own blood and hit my head on the floor. I feel sick. Am I going to bleed to death? Is this how my life is going to end?

- S-Sakura...-chan... please, s-stop - I whispered. - Why do you hate me s-so much...? - I asked and she just laughed maniacally.

- Why do I hate you? - she asked and sat me up. - I hate you because you took Sasuke-kun away from me. I hate you because you are a burden, a waste of time, a loser and I absolutely fucking loathe you because you are nothing more than a fucking demon, a murderer. You are fucking weak. You're seventeen and look at how pathetic you are. Sasuke-kun has to take care of you. Do you really think that he wants to do it? Babysit you? - she asked.

- S-so... You really hate m-me? - I asked and noticed that it was harder to breathe every second.

-  I don't just hate you - she said tugging on my hair and pulling my head back harshly. - I wish you were fucking dead - she screamed in my face and stabbed my thigh with a kunai. I screamed in pain and felt the tears rolling down my cheeks. 

I tried to run, to get away from her but she took another kunai from her pouch just to stick it into my other leg. I can't walk. I can't move my legs. I can't run. I can't get away from her. I'm loosing blood from my legs, from my head and my face burns from hitting it on the stove that was turned on. I want to scream for help but no one is coming here. Sasuke's training with Kakashi-sensei and they are going to train for a couple more hours. I guess that this is it for me then. I closed my eyes and waited for my consciousness to slip away when I felt something being dragged across my forearm. I looked at my hand and saw that Sakura-chan was slicing my hand open with a shuriken. I'm not even sure if I can feel the pain at this point. I don't think that I feel anything. My vision starts to get blurry and I am scared but peaceful at the same time.

I want to scream but my chest hurts so much and all that gets out is just blood. I'm choking on my own blood.

I'm sorry, Sasuke. I really tried to get Itachi back to Konoha. I'm sorry to disappoint you again but I promise that it's the last time.

Sasuke's pov

We are almost there. Almost. So close. Hang in there, dobe. I'm on my way. We're on our way.

When we finally made it to my house, I couldn't wait for the rest of them to get here. I went inside and what I saw made my blood boil. Sakura was smiling at me and sitting next to my unconscious Naruto who was covered in blood. His eyes were closed and I couldn't see his chest moving. Is he...? No, no, no, no, no, no! Naruto, wake up!


Hello, my little beans!

Here are some fun facts about me because why not?:

- my name is Kamila and I'm from Poland :)

- I write when I'm depressed or motivated as fuck

- I'm 165cm/5'5'' tall

- my favorite color is black

- I don't have a favorite song because I listen to a lot of shit and it's hard to pick one but for the last couple of days I've been listening to The Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody/ KONGOS - Come with Me Now/ Kaiser Chiefs - Ruby/ Rascal Flatts - Life is a Highway/ Yann Tiersen - Comptine d'un Autre été: L'Après-Midi. Like... non-stop

- I am a happy person if front of people and I like it most of the time

- I'm not besties with food :/

- I have trouble sleeping so I just open my laptop and start writing most of the time

- I like being alone but I hate feeling lonely

- I'm terrified of spiders and dark (I can't imagine what it would be like to be left in a dark room full of spiders, can you imagine?????)

- I can't be left alone with my own head for too long because shit goes from 0 to 100 real quick

- I like people, I still have faith in humanity

- I can't stand animal abuse

- dark humor is my kind of thing but I love STUPID jokes so damn much!

- music saved me, I can't imagine a day without music

- I don't drink coffee, I feel so bad after drinking it that it's ridiculous (so I drink a shit ton of energy drinks)

- in 2020 I tried to take my own life but as you can tell, I'm still here so yep... Hello!

- I've seen a lot of therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists, there is someone all the time since 2017

- I can play on a ukulele and I'm learning how to play a guitar but it's all on my own because actual lessons with someone = money (I need to learn how to save money!)

- my mom died in 2022, she was an alcoholic and got drunk so much that she drowned in her own vomit so my sister and I had to arrange a funeral (that's a way to go, isn't it?)

- I have an older sister, she's THE BEST! <3

- I don't talk to my father, he's in jail and I hope that I'll never have to see him again

- I lived in an orphanage for 3 years

- I was in a toxic relationship but now I'm free and trying to heal from a lot of traumatic shit :)

- I was scared of getting a tattoo but I got one and now I WANT MORE ╰(‵□′)╯

I just wanted to share 🤗

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter!  

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Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter!  

As always

All the love,


P.S. If you feel okay with sharing something about you, I'm more than happy to get to know you better! <3

I guess it's the end of this story :/

Just kidding! I will update today or tomorrow! <3 Love you! 💕❤

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