Not worth it

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Sasuke's pov

I woke up and felt that Naruto was still asleep. I smiled a little and hugged him closer to my chest inhaling his scent. I want to be selfish just a little bit today and feel him close to me. It just feels right. I heard him mumble something under his nose but then it was quiet again. He didn't have any nightmares and slept peacefully through the whole night. I feel bad for my little dobe but at the same time I have an excuse to sleep with him so it's kind of a win-win situation. I can keep him close to me and make sure he sleeps well.

I'm not sure when I started feeling something more towards Naruto, it just sort of happened. Maybe it's because I got to see him at his weakest points (or at least I think I saw him at his weakest points) and he trusted me to keep him safe. I can't stop feeling so relaxed around him, I can just be myself, I can care. I know that I show everyone else (all the time) that I'm just a selfish bastard who can't give a damn but with Naruto it's different. I know that he won't use my own weakness against me. I could shower him with care and tenderness all the time and feel good about it.

There are some things that bug me a bit though. First of all, what the hell happened to Naruto during our last mission? Why won't he tell me? Second, who did this to him and why? And third, why would Sakura destroy his apartment? I know it was her, no one else despises him like she does. How did she even break in? Was Naruto asleep then? Did she drug him? Did she hurt him? Is this why Naruto freaked out yesterday? Why won't he tell me anything? Does he not trust me? No, it can't be this. Is he afraid of something? What is he afraid of? Or who? Is someone threatening him? Who is it? Damn it. Too many questions left without answers. My head hurts.

- Teme... - I heard Naruto groan and I jumped a little.

- What, dobe? - I whispered back.

- Shut up your brain already.

- ...What?

- Stop thinking, I can feel you body tensing every few seconds so shut up your brain or I'll rip it out through you ear and smash it on the wall.

- Damn, you're cranky. Didn't sleep well? - I mused.

- I slept like a baby, thank you very much. Just hug me and lay with me, please? Just a little longer and we can do whatever - I couldn't help but smile. Thankfully, Naruto wasn't facing me so he couldn't see my face. I sighed and laid down closer to him, hugging him extremely hard and close.

- Sure - I smirked.

- S... Sas-Sasuke... Can't breathe - he exhaled. I just hugged him even closer.

- You wanted me to hug you, that's exactly what I'm doing - I mocked.

- T-that's not a h-hug, t-that's crush... crushing me to d-death... F-fine, teme! I get it! I'm out of bed.

- Hn.

- Damn it, my ribs - Naruto moaned when I let him go.

- Hn.

- You and your "hn", "hn" this and "hn" that. You know what?! "Hn" you, you bastard! - Naruto said while rubbing his ribs. I just burst out laughing at his attitude.

- Okay, get your cranky ass to the kitchen, I'll make something to eat for us - I said with a smile. Naruto's ears perked up when I mentioned food so I guess he's cranky when he's hungry. Interesting.

- Fine - he sighed but tensed when someone knocked on my door.

- Relax, dobe. You can stay here, I'll see who it is - I reassured Naruto with a small smile. He just nodded and covered himself with my blanket until the only thing that I could see was his blond hair sticking out.

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