Elaine's day off

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(Everyone was really proud of Elaine for standing up for her people, and the ones she loves. Lancelot then came up to hug Elaine)

Lancelot: That was a wild ride m'lady 

(She was surprised but returned the hug back to Lancelot. After helping the rest of the villagers, the trio were later in the room trying to figure out a plan to stop and defeat Morgana Le Fey)

(Lancelot and Tristan were both discussing a plan, while Elaine was looking out at a window and the blue sky in Camelot, still worrying, and distracted) 

Tristan: What do you think Elaine?

Elaine: H-Huh? 


I was thinking maybe we should find a way to lure Morgana and ambush her with all of us there


No way! It's too risky young squire, didn't you see how powerful she was back there? 

(Elaine starting to feel overwhelmed and weak, and without knowing, Elaine was having an anxiety attack. Her hands starts shaking)

Lancelot notices: Elaine, is everything alright?

Elaine: I don't know... I can't... I can't... 

(Along where Morgana was hiding, King Mark was helping Morgana trying to get the dagger out. King Mark then manages to pull out the dagger, Morgana flinches, and screams out in a bit of pain. Morgana cries out in pain. King Mark was observing the dagger, then puts it away)

King Mark: I think you might've underestimated the girl

Morgana: She's only a child... ah... without her pathetic friends, she is nothing....

(At the same time, both Tristan and Lancelot quickly came over and worrying about Elaine)

Tristan: Elaine, what's wrong??

(Elaine didn't respond back,  she fall on the ground and was on her knees. Merlin then came walking in the room, and noticed that Elaine was on the floor) 

Merlin: What has happened?

Lancelot: I am unsure.... Elaine, are you alright?

(Elaine starts to breathing heavily)

Elaine: Can't stop now... must get back up....

(Elaine was feeling really weak, and exhausted, in that moment she was almost going to faint) 

Tristan: Elaine!-

Lancelot: Woah, take it easy...


May I remind you battled through the dangerous task of the trials, fell from a 5 foot tall waterfall, and fought against the Eldritch Queen herself?! Elaine these are too much of the weight you're carrying, especially around your age!

Elaine breathing heavily: Merlin, Guys... I appreciate all of you worrying for me, but I'm fine the Kingdom needs someone to protect it.

Merlin: Elaine, but who's going to protect you if you keep pushing things too hard on yourself like this? Please listen!

(Elaine tries to protest, she looked up at Merlin, only to see him giving her a face serious face. She exhaled deeply, and then listens to Merlin) 

Merlin: Why don't you go out and take the day off, go out and enjoy the sun while you still can, go out and have fun, along with your friends of course

Elaine: Wha- But-

Merlin stops Elaine: There will be no "Buts". This isn't a demand but a suggestion and I highly suggest for you Elaine to get some rest. Please

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