Possessed Elaine

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(Morgana stood upfront, and she began to start casting a dark incantation spell. A magical orb starts to appear in front of her, showing Elaine up within the mystical orb)


You're nothing but a scared little girl Elaine.... And I'll make sure you feel my wrath. For you can't hide from me forever, I am always... under your skin 

(As Elaine was in between Lancelot and Modred, she suddenly starts to hear loud whispers, voices becoming louder in her head. Elaine was breathing heavily, and her hands were shaking. Behind Elaine's back, the sword of Excalibur was being consumed by black magic, knowingly that the curse has risen once more)

(Elaine winces, feeling exhausted, she then tumbles onto the ground) 

Modred and Lancelot: Elaine!! 

(Lancelot quickly rushed over worryingly, he holds Elaine. Modred was confused to what is happening to Elaine and is watching them from behind)

(Modred watching as Lancelot caring for Elaine, seeing him with Elaine somehow, he suddenly starts to have a weird feeling as in a feeling of jealousy)


if you really didn't hurt her, prove to me that you care for her. Because as if right now she's hurt and has been through a lot, we need to bring her back to the castle.

(As much as Lancelot didn't want to say it, he needs a help of hands) 

 Lancelot sighs: Can.... Can I trust you?.....

(Modred looks at Lancelot determined to help them. Without any hesitations, Lancelot quickly carried Elaine carefully in his arms and runs back to his horse, Modred continues to follow both of them from behind. Lancelot was still carrying Elaine, as he hopped on his horse)

Lancelot: Modred. We're going to need you at the main hall

(Modred nods back at Lancelot, Lancelot resumes to ride the horse. And they were both off separated, making their way back to the castle)

(Back at the castle, Merlin was in the main hall trying to reassure and comfort the villagers and he was feeling a bit overwhelmed of helping them)

Villager 2: What if the Eldritch Witch comes back?

Merlin: Now let's not get into that-

Villager 3: Worse, What if they'll start a war!?

(All of the villagers were concerned, and clamoring worryingly) 

Merlin sighs: Aye, as scary as it may seem, you still have your true rightful Queen here with you-

Villager 4: Is that soo? So the rest of our lives rest in the hands of a 16 years old? 

Merlin: Goodness gracious she's 18!!

(Merlin was feeling stress) 

Sir Galahad chuckles: Elaine makes it so easy eh?

Merlin: Oh you don't need to rub it in....

(Lancelot arrives at the castle along with Modred by his side, both of them quickly rushed into the main hall , making everyone suddenly surprised)

Lancelot: Merlin! We have an emergency!

(Merlin quickly stood up, as he saw Elaine not feeling too well) 

Merlin: Alright, I want everybody out! Now!

(Merlin used his magic powers to push the villagers outside)

Merlin worryingly: What has happened to her?

Lancelot: We were hoping you could help us with that

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