Lancelot's nurse

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(Numbness. Just complete numbness, that's all Lancelot feels right now. When the second knight hits Lancelot right on the shoulders. It hurt badly. His shoulders were in pain, and there was a bit of blood. It's like getting hit by a train, or being  attacked by a pack of wild coyotes all at once.)

Elaine: Somebody, please get help!

(Lancelot hears Elaine's voice and tries to open his eyes to see her but he felt weak and injured from the fight) 

Lancelot whispers: Elaine?....

Elaine: Lance, hey... you're going to be okay, I promise stay with me, please stay with me

(With that one critical hit on the shoulder, he was losing a bit of blood, and feeling exhausted from the pain, Lancelot tries to call Elaine's name but he slowly starts to close his eyes) 

Elaine worryingly: Lancelot? Lance! 

(Later, Lancelot finds himself  resting on a bed platform inside a tent, along with Elaine by his side waiting for him to wake up) 

(Lancelot then wakes up, he notices Elaine by his side, he smiles and tries to  get up, but his right arm was hurting him, Lancelot flinches, Elaine comes in noticing that he's awake)

Elaine: Heyy, how are you feeling? 

Lancelot: A bit hurt.... Elaine? What are you doing here? Ow-

Elaine: Okay, hold still

(Elaine went to grab some things, then came back and sits down next to him, she uses a compressor to hold down the bleeding on Lancelot's shoulders) 

Elaine: It's um, going to sting a little...

Lancelot: Pfft, It's nothing to be afraid of-

(His wound from the lance was cut in very deep, and Elaine wanted to be extra careful)

(Elaine then uses a mini cloth to stop the wound from bleeding, she continues to clean his wounds)

(Lancelot flinches a bit, because he did felt the pain, but tries to hide it.)

Elaine: I did warn you it was going to hurt...

(Lancelot looks at Elaine, observing her wrapping the bandage around his shoulders. Lancelot notices she was taking such good care of him) 

Lancelot: Thank you Elaine

Elaine smiles at him: Of course

Elaine: Let me guess, King's orders? 

Lancelot: I.... I Had no choice Elaine, I couldn't say No to the King

(Elaine stays quiet for the moment)

Elaine: You could've at least told me what you were up to.

Lancelot: I know, I know, that was very immature of me to leave without letting you know.

Lancelot: When the King announced that I was going to have to compete in the tournament, the whole time I was more worried about you...

(Elaine paused, when Lancelot told her how he was worried he was about Elaine the whole time. With surprised Elaine accidentally tightens the bandage wrapper on Lancelot's shoulders)

(Lancelot felt the tightening, flinched even more)

Lancelot: Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

Lancelot: and your process of training before tomorrow's big day!... ow!....

Elaine realizes what she was doing: Oh my god! What- I am so so sorry! 

Lancelot chuckles: No, No it's okay, I... I think I can... handle a small pain...

(Elaine loosens the wrapping bandage and continues to wrap it again)

Lancelot: Elaine?

Elaine: Hm?

Lancelot: I am truly sorry for not telling you what I was up too, when I should have

Elaine: Apology accepted, what matters most is that you're alive

(Elaine brushes Lancelot's hair only to see his shining blue eyes, Lancelot smiles back at her, Elaine smiles back at him) 

(Lancelot tries to get back up on his feet, Elaine stops him)

Elaine: Woah, Woah! What do you think you're going good sir?

Lancelot: Helping you get back to training of course

Elaine: In this condition? I don't think so, I think you need to rest more

Lancelot: it's just a sprained feeling on the shoulders I should be fine

Elaine: Lancelot please

Lancelot: Elaine, your training has just barely started and the Pyrolyx game is tomorrow. You're not... You're not ready yet... 

Elaine: Then I'll figure something out, but please right now you need to rest. That was one heck of fight you had back there

(Lancelot he knew how challenging the Pyrolyx game can be, and knows that Elaine doesn't have much time left to train. Lancelot tries to protest, but Elaine refuses for him to train when injured. Lancelot sighs then listens to Elaine. Both of them continues to keep each other's company) 

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