a Lancelaine moment

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(Everyone was making their way through the halls, heading to their rooms. Merlin and Tristan were chatting with each other's while Elaine and Lancelot were upfront walking together)

(It was quiet for the moment between the two. Lancelot then looks over at Elaine, his face showing that he wants to talk to talk to her but he doesn't know how to , so Lancelot refused and stood silent, Elaine looks at Lancelot and decided to break the silent first) 

Elaine: So... I'm guessing you're an actual real knight right?

(Lancelot didn't respond)

Elaine: But how come you didn't tell us the truth? 

(Lancelot still did not respond back)

Elaine: Hey, I can sense something is troubling you

(Lancelot looks up at Elaine with surprised face, wondering how she knows)

Elaine: if your comfortable, if you want to talk about something, I'll listen

(Lancelot wanted to tell so much, but still refuses to talk about why he didn't tell Elaine that he was a real knight from the beginning)

Elaine: You know, I uh, I've been on my own ever since when I was young. I don't really have a home to go to, I never really got to go out much, I don't even talk to people either. I would just get scared often. It was never really a good feeling to feel about. 

(Lancelot starts to listen to Elaine's rant)


That's not until I met Tristan, my dearest friend, whom I met through high school, He's the kind of nerdy, brave, bold, and adventurous kind of guy to be around, and my life started to change when I met him. Being around Tristan feels like you're being around a good reliable and compatible friend you can always count on. It took me time for me to be open around others too, so  I completely understand how it feels when it comes to keeping things bottled up. 

Elaine But um, if you need someone to reach out and talk too about, you can count on me

(Elaine gives Lancelot a reassuring smile then continues to walk foward, Lancelot was amazed by Elaine's affirmations, he then realized now it was the right moment to tell her. Lancelot quickly walks in front of Elaine, which made them both stopped walking)

Lancelot: Elaine?

Elaine: Yes?

Lancelot: I would like to apologize for not telling you who I really am earlier today, and you're right keeping things bottled up, it's not really a good feeling... 

Lancelot: To answer you question, I am not an actor, when I came to the Camelot festival, I was unfamiliar with the place. The next minute I had 11 knights behind me here in the real Camelot, and the next thing I knew I was being transported to the festival, as if there was an invisible force pulling through another world.... 

(Elaine stops to think for the moment, she couldn't help but wondered when Lancelot mentioned an invisible force, what it was about)

Lancelot: Reason why I didn't tell you it's because I had to protect my identity a secret. I've made a lot of enemies in the past as my duty as a Knight, if anyone knows or finds out who I am they'll come for me and hurt people, like you, I had to lie to protect others. To protect you

(Elaine blushes a bit when she heard Lancelot said "To Protect you" Elaine looks up at Lancelot with surprised)

Lancelot pretends to couph: 

"I mean uhm Ahem, your doors are just around the corner M'lady"

Elaine: opening up to each other feels better, doesnt it Sir Lancelot? 

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