Encountering Excalibur

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Tristan: Elaine? Elaine, wait up!

(Tristan tries to catch up with his friend, Elaine starts to feel stress, and more anxious, so she walks a little faster)

(Elaine finds a tent and goes to hide in it)

Tristan: Elaine? He was just worried for you that's all 

Elaine: I just want to be alone... please... and think...

(Elaine feeling anxious, Elaine starts backing up until she bumps into something, She turns around to find a covered item, and was curious to know what it was)

(Elaine then reads the description that was on the stone which turns out to be a cursed spell... she pulls the cover over, only to reveal the sword in the stone itself, Excalibur)

(Elaine starts to observe the sword that it was being secured locked up. She begins to read the spell, Without knowing, Elaine is now cursed by the sword)

Voice: Call to me... and the sword is yours...

(Elaine hears the voice but continues to read, then suddenly her stomach starts to feel upset, her body felt so weak, Elaine begins to cough. Elaine was confused to why all of a sudden she starts feeling weird this way, as if she was sick or food poisoned. 

(Without knowing that she's been cursed by the sword. It turns out that the curse turns out to be a dangerous dark magic poison.... Elaine continues to cough as the curse is corrupting her, she starts hearing voices and whispers in her head but tries to ignore it, and was touching the glass weakly)

(Elaine was breathing heavily, she felt the power of the sword, and was about to break it out)

Voice: Call to me... and the sword is yours...

Elaine: w-what?....

(Elaine's eyes starts turning evilly black. Elaine then opens the cage, and the sword is now finally free, surprised to hold Excalibur in her hands, Elaine looks at the sword , she was seeing herself in the reflections) 

(The sword Excalibur hasn't been lifted after centuries, until now.... Elaine is the only one who can wield the sword Excalibur)

(Elaine looks at the sword and starts to see words appearing on Excalibur) 

Elaine starts reading: "Breathe of serpent..."

(Sounds of strong wind blowing, the Camelot Festival skies are turning gray and it begins to rain)

Elaine: "spell of death and life"

(Tristan noticing the sky is an unusual weather, he looks up to see lots of crows cawing, and flying in circles)

Elaine: "thy omen of making (meaning: your song of making)"

(Thunder rumbling, and the people were running away into finding shelter)

Elaine: "Take me up, and Cast me away"

( the sword starts to shine brightly)

(Elaine's eyes still evilly black, couldn't feel her body or anything else, Elaine felt so numb)

Voice: Call to me.... (whispers getting louder and louder)

Tristan shouts: Elaine!

(Elaine shook her head, as she hears Tristan calling out her name and was in confusion, she sees the sword Excalibur in her hands and was also in shock to see the cage break, she quickly hides Excalibur and takes it) 

(Elaine walks out of the tent and sees everyone running in the rain)

(Thunder was about to strike Elaine, with her quick thinking skills she manage to dodge it, instead thunder strikes the tent and set it off on fire)

(Everyone and Elaine was in shock, feeling overwhelmed, Elaine starts running away from everything that is happening)

(Tristan spots Elaine running away in the rain through the crowd and was worried)

Tristan: E-Elaine! Hey, where are you going?!

(Elaine manages to run away from the festival and continues to run through the forest, she arrives at the same place to where Lancelot had arrived through the gateway portal.  As Elaine running she encounters the gateway portal then felt her whole body being shifted to a different environment) 

(Elaine then encounters an unrecognized place. She then sees a stone platform at the center, without any hesitations, Elaine quickly makes her way to the stone platform and gets on it.)

(One of the wolves sees Elaine face to face and begins to howl, the other wolves hears one of their pack members howling and decides to follow their sound. Elaine being cautious, she sees the rest of the pack were circling around the platform and her. Elaine had no other choice but to use the sword to defend her)

Elaine: Back!

Elaine: Back!

Elaine: I said stay back! I don't want to hurt you!

(One of the wolves then bit her arm which made the sword fell off from her hand. Elaine screams out in pain, she falls down, and sees the The pack of wolves circling around her, growling aggressively, Elaine eye's were terrified, feeling really frightened to everything that was happening around her Elaine tries to back away from the wolves)

(Just before one of the wolves was about to pounce and attack her, Lancelot arrives at the scene, came to defend Elaine and punch the wolf down, Elaine looks up and was surprised to see Lancelot) 

Elaine: Lancelot! 

Lancelot: Elaine, are you alright? Are you hurt? 

Elaine: I'm-I'm fine..... how did you know?- 

(The wolves growls, and kept coming towards Lancelot and Elaine. Elaine got up and quickly stood behind Lancelot while he was fighting off the wolves using his sword to defend both of them. Tristan arrives at scenery surprised seeing Lancelot again, and sees his friend in trouble)

Tristan: Elaine! Elaine! Hang on! 

(Elaine looks over and sees Tristan running over, she was worried that the wolves might attack him too, the wolves noticed Tristan coming over, and was running to him)

Elaine: No, No Tristan, get back!! Please!! 

(Tristan stops and grabbed a couple of rocks from the ground, he starts to throw them at the wolves. Elaine manages to grab Excalibur running to help his friend. All three of them Lancelot Elaine and Tristan came together at the center continuing to fight off the wolves in the rain) 

(Suddenly magic came into the field, along with the mysterious person, he managed to frightened the whole pack. The mysterious person continues to chant a spell, the wolves stopped and whined and all of them ran away) 

???: if you all want to live, you're going to have to trust me

(The mysterious person tries to reach to Elaine, but was stopped by both Lancelot and Tristan) 

Tristan: Don't you even lay a hand on her! 

Lancelot: She's not going anywhere with a dangerous person like you

(The mysterious was surprised by their reactions he then looked over and was surprise to see Elaine holding the sword) 

???: I knew you were the one!

???: and It seems like the sword finally chose it's new champion

(Lancelot Tristan and Elaine all looked at each other's cluelessly confused) 

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