Chapter 21

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"I'm sure skipping classes for two weeks is enough, you're missing classes and you've missed some tests" Helen said before jumping into my bed.

Just then Dad barged into my room.

"Skipping classes huh? Which class is that?" Dad asked frowning and I gulped

Oh. My. Days.

I'm sooooooooo dead.

"Answer my question" He replied glaring at me
"I sent you to school to learn, not to be skipping classes not even for a day, Two weeks!" He yelled and I flinched

Fuck you Helen.

Fuck you.

"How many classes have you missed?" He asked
"I'm talking to you, young lady!" He said shouting
"Just...just 8 classes"
"Just 8 classes? Not one, not two but eight classes, are you serious?"
"Don't! I'm going to have a talk with your History teacher tomorrow"

Hell no.

"Dad please, I'll never do it again, I promise" I pleaded
"No!" He yelled before slamming the door shut and I turned to glare at Helen who had a forced smile plastered on her face.

"I..I should go!" She said standing up from the bed
"You're such an asshole, now I'm going to have to go to his classes and only God knows what dad is going to do to me" I yelled angrily
"It's a good thing right! You won't miss more tests"
"Seriously?" I asked as I glared at her
"I'm sorry" She apologises
"It's fine"


Except it's not fine. As soon as dad left Joseph's office, he turned to me sternly.

"You're going to be attending his classes always, unless you're sick AND..."
"And what?" I asked
"He's going to tutor you after school on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, are we clear?"

Fuck no.

"Dad? Please don't do this to me! I'm the best in History!"
"Your grades tell me otherwise from skipping classes" He said sternly
"Are we clear?"
"Yes dad"
"Have a nice day at school" He said before kissing my forehead and he left

This is going to be the worst punishment of my entire life.

I walked into class looking dejected and lifeless, I sat on my seat beside Nathan before burying my head into my desk and screaming.

"What happened?" Nathan asked
"Can you believe he's going to tutor me after school on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays" I said and Raine burst out laughing
"Atleast more time for you guys to kiss and all" Tiana said and I turned to glare at her.
"Not funny!"
"It's not going to be that bad! I don't mind seeing him everyday" Helen said
"Because he's an eye candy" Tiana said
"And today's Tuesday" Raine said teasingly
"This is pure horror" I muttered to myself

I knocked on his door twice and he responded immediately and I entered his office.

Funny how I haven't been here since the kiss.

"What do you want?" He asked sternly

Why was he so mad? It's not like he didn't text me asking me to answer him.

"You're my tutor, incase you've forgotten."I replied rolling my eyes.
"And why have you been skipping classes?" He asked
"Personal reasons."
"But you could attend other classes?"
"Can we just go straight to the point?" I said
"Bring your History text" He said and I took it out from my bag and sat next to him.
"We've gone through a lot of topics throughout"
"I know...why do you think I'm here?"

"Here answer these...if you don't understand let me know" He said giving me a series of questions

I ticked the option for the last question before passing it back to him.

"Done already?" He asked
"I'm your best student."
"You sure don't act like it." He replied and I scoffed as he went through it
"B plus, not bad."
"Are you kidding me?"
"I can't get a B plus! It's too simple!"
"You got a B plus fair and square."
"Or would you rather have a D then?" He asked
"Give me the D, I. Dare. You." I said frowning
"I don't think you can handle it" He said smirking
"Why are you saying D like that? And smirking...oh my goodness Joseph!"
"Don't call me that"
"Why? You call me Rhea all the time"

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