Chapter 2

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I brushed my black wavy hair down, and checked my appearance in the mirror and I was missing just one thing, lipgloss. I took a photo of my outfit and smiled in satisfaction before my phone beeped.

 I took a photo of my outfit and smiled in satisfaction before my phone beeped

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I'm here, baby🙃. Waiting outside


Coming! Gimme a few minutes😩

I carried my bag downstairs and rushed to hug my mom who quickly handed me a quick breakfast.

"Bye baby, Mom loves you!" She said before pecking my cheek
"Love you too mum, Tristan is waiting for me, he's taking me to school" I replied and just then Raine walked down the stairs dressed like a diva in a two piece outfit

"Bye baby, Mom loves you!" She said before pecking my cheek"Love you too mum, Tristan is waiting for me, he's taking me to school" I replied and just then Raine walked down the stairs dressed like a diva in a two piece outfit

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"Both of you look impressive!" Dad said coming out from the kitchen in a suit and a cookie in his hand.

"Can Raine come with you to Tristan's car?" Mom asked me
"Sure!" I answered
"And why am I going with that loser?" Raine asked

Oh wait I didn't mention, Raine thinks Tristan is a idiot, weirdo and a loser and you might think she has a reason but she doesn't, the only reason she gave to me was that he was a walking fashion disaster but it wasn't that bad actually.

"Your dad is running late" Mom said before pecking Raine on her forehead too

Raine sighed and followed me to Tristan's car, Tristan is well off but his parents weren't as rich as mine. When Tristan caught sight of us he quickly ran towards me and he wrapped his arms around me in a hug and I did the same, missing his comforting hugs and the sniffing of his faint rosewood scent.

"Eww...Please hold yourselves until I get to school safely" Raine said and I rolled my eyes before letting go of him
"Raine...How I missed you!" He said sarcastically

Tristan stretched his hand towards her for a handshake and she slapped his hand away.

"You're a weirdo, really, please can you just drive me to school or I'll burn your stupid car to the ground" She said before entering the backseat and slamming the door
"Just ignore her, she's on her period right now"
"Oh! Is she in pains or something?"
"Yeah....Extreme pains"
"I have something that could help her, my aunt kept it in my car in case of emergencies" Tristan said and I nodded my head just going along with what he was saying before entering the car and he took out a bag before throwing it at Raine at the back seat.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you mental?" Raine asked holding up a pad from the bag
"It should help! I'm just trying to be nice, jeez!" Tristan said while I tried to stifle my laughter
"Help what?! Did I ask for help, Tristan?!" Raine asked going hysterical
"You might need it since you're on your period, look there's even painkillers for you in there"
"Calm down, Raine he was only trying to help" I said
"I didn't ask for your weirdo boyfriend's help" Raine yelled
"Stop being a drama queen" I muttered
"You guys should drive me to school before I lose my fucking mind!" Raine yelled before Tristan started the engine heading straight to school.

I took out the necklace from my bag and put it on.
"Where did you get that?" Raine asked
"None of your business"
"You stole it?"
"I took it without permission"
"Same thing"


"Late on your first day?" Helen, my bestfriend asked
"Raine and Tristan" I said as I arranged my books in my locker she nodded understanding
"Another fight?"
"Yep, Raine couldn't bear to stay in the car any longer, and Tristan was trying to be nice to her"
"Classic Raine" Helen said shaking her head


I wiped the blood stain off my face and threw the stained wipes into the bin and Dave barged in.

"What do you want?" I asked not even looking at his direction
"I have good news"
"Be quick about it, Non ho tutto il giorno"

[Non ho tutto il giorno: I don't have all day]

"You remember the microchip necklace that was stolen?" Dave asked
"You know it contained all the evidence of our crimes right? And we've been looking for it for months"
"Vai dritto al punto" I said in annoyance

[Vai dritto al punto: Just go straight to the point]

"Well it has been tracked"
"To where? With who?"
"A senior girl in Crest Highschool"
"Did she steal it?"
"No, I don't think so, if she did, I don't think she would wear it in public because she's at risk of getting kidnapped or even killed"
"She goes by the name, Rhea Vilin"
"So how do you plan on getting the necklace back?" I asked
"You should go undercover with Khloe as a teacher" Dave said

And I started laughing loudly like a hyena while Dave awkwardly laughed too, shaking like he was terrified.

"You're joking right? You want me to go undercover as a teacher?"
"Yes, then just find a way to make her willingly give you the necklace"
"Why don't you kill her instead?" I asked nonchalant
"She didn't do anything wrong for goodness sake and she's just 17"
"Ok why don't you just send the rest to kidnap her?"
"Because she doesn't deserve it, she's a child for goodness sake"
"Well, I can't go undercover as a teacher"
"Everyone's busy, Lucca"
"I'm your boss and everybody's boss and I'm also busy, why can't Khloe go alone?"
"Because she might likely mess up everything, and since you're good at your job, you're the better option" Dave said

"And what will you be doing?"
"I'll take over your duties until you're done with the mission"
"Fine, but if she's stubborn, I'm shooting her fucking brains off"
"Please don't" He muttered and I glared at him
"Perfect!" He replied with a fake smile on his face before leaving

I sighed as I leaned back in my seat.


"So I bribed the school's History teacher out of her job, so now you're going to show up in there as a guy who is looking for a job as a History teacher, I made you a fake CV and now you go by 'Mr. Joseph Armani' and here's all you need to know about Rhea"

"Why did you keep my last name?"
"It's cool, I like it"

"This is all we could simply get on her, you'll get close to her so you can also find out who stole the necklace in the first place" Dave said placing the file on my desk and I looked through her information

Name: Rhea Vilin
Age: 17 years old
Class: Grade 12
Guardian: Adopted by Mr. Vilin, Biological mother, Mrs Vilin.
Status: Dating, Tristan Cole
Sibling: A step sister, Raine Vilin
D.O.B: Febuary 17, 2006
Nationality: American

"Btw you're married" Dave said before typing something on his pad
"What the actual hell?" I yelled
"It'll be easier to get the job trust me"
"And you're now 25 years" He added and I rolled my eyes
"For how long is it going to be?"
"Like three months tops?"


Heyyyyy guys, This is my first time writing like a mafia based book, feel free to correct me please, respectfully. Thank you!

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