Chapter 3

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It was the second day of school, dad dropped us off and we walked down the hallways to our locker while everyone kept waving at Raine like she was a celebrity, well she IS a celebrity with over 1 million followers on Instagram and she is verified.

Just then Helen came at the same time walking with us.
"Guess what?"
"Just tell me" I said
"I heard that our History teacher just died" Helen said
"Umm..what? She was fine yesterday?" I asked unsure
"Well that means free time for me! I hate school anyways!" Raine said before going back to text furiously on her phone
"Your teacher just died guys? Are you even listening?" I asked
"Yay! Good for her!" Raine said sarcastically before rolling her eyes
"I don't think so, a new teacher has been hired"

"That fast?" I asked before dropping my books in my locker
"I need to buy a gun and kill myself" Raine said
"Its just one class Raine" I said rolling my eyes
"It's two thousand and four hundred seconds of hearing someone talking about America or something" Raine said as we walked to class
"God knows how you got promoted" I said
"Because I cheated?"
"How is that even possible?" Helen asked
"Oh a random guy who is OBSESSED with me, offered to do my History exams for me"
"I'm not obsessed with you, you literally gave me puppy dog eyes and begged" Nathaniel said appearing out of nowhere
"Shut up! You still did it" Raine said before flicking his forehead
"Because you threatened to kill yourself?" Nathaniel asked
"And I heard its a man this time, who goes by Mr. Armani" Helen explained
"Nice catchy name? Is bro italian?" I asked
"I dunno" Helen replied shrugging
"What do we have now?"

"Spanish class" Helen said
"Ooh my favourite!" I said with a huge smile
"Because you're besties with your Spanish teacher who is like over 40" Raine said rolling her eyes
"Mrs Ellis isn't that bad and she's 35" I said before entering the clas to see a few people in their seats but Mrs Ellis wasn't present yet.
I dropped my books on my locker and waited patiently for Mrs Ellis who finally came in like 3 minutes later.

"Buenos dias, estudiante!"
[Buenos dias, estudiante!: Good morning students!]

"Buenos dias profesora Ellis" I replied her with a smile
[Buenos dias profesora Ellis: Good morning teacher Ellis]

"Buenos días a mi estudiante favorito"

[Buenos días a mi estudiante favorito: Good morning to my favourite student]

"Weirdos, What the heck are they saying?" Raine asked
"Its simple he literally just said good morning in Spanish, are you really telling me you don't know good morning in Spanish?" Nathaniel muttered

"Las notas de tu hermana están bajando, si no le va mejor, lamentablemente podría repetir el semestre."

[Las notas de tu hermana están bajando, si no le va mejor, lamentablemente podría repetir el semestre: Your sister grades are slipping, if she doesn't do better she might unfortunately repeat a semester]

"Ella cree que la escuela no es para ella y quiere ser modelo de pasarela." I said

[Ella cree que la escuela no es para ella y quiere ser modelo de pasarela: She thinks school is not for her and wants to be a runway model]

Mrs Ellis burst out laughing and most people in the class had no idea what we were saying and Raine squinted her eyes at us suspicious. I liked the fact that I could say anything to Mrs Ellis and nobody would understand, just me and her.

"Lo siento" Mrs Ellis said before going through the day's topic
[Lo siento: I am sorry]


It was time for History, Tristan wasn't here so it was just us four, me, Helen, Raine and Nathaniel. I was looking forward to getting to know our replacement for our 'dead' teacher, I don't know if the teacher's actually dead or just rumours because I swear I literally saw her yesterday smiling at something on her phone.

I entered the class to see the so called 'Mr. Armani' in class sitting on his desk with his legs on the table.


He gives me bad vibes already. I took a seat at the front with Helen behind me and Nathan and Raine at the back.

"Anyone goes by Rhea Vilin here?"
"Me?" I asked unsure

He looked at me assessing with his sharp dark eyes, his eyes trailed down my chest to my necklace, making me unconciously hold unto it, he looked away muttering something.

Fucking pervert.

Was he high or sumn?

I don't like him already

"Hmm" He replied

"Dayummm, that's our teacher?" Helen whispered loudly

"Good morning class, and I'm your new History teacher, Joseph Armani, But its Mr. Armani to you guys and first rule..." He said before walking to my table and I furrowed my brows at him and he stretched out his hand I raised one of my brows questioning him.

"No jewellries in my class, darling"
"That's stupid" I asked folding my arms and relaxing back in my seat
"Hm?" He asked
"That's stupid" I repeated smirking
"I'm your teacher, and I'm telling you no jewelleries in my class" He said clenching his jaw
"Why? I'm not the only one wearing jewellery in the class, why you suddenly targetting me?" I asked looking him up and down
"Fine! Everyone hand over their jewellries, NOW!"

And the stupid people I have as classmates began to hand over their jewellries and when he reached my turn he raised one of his brows questionably.

"You know what to do right?" He asked

I couldn't risk removing my necklace and suddenly losing it, my mother would kill me and probably bury me in our backyard and she'll probably grow roses on top of me since she loves roses but who doesn't? Totally random right? I know.

"I'm not giving you any" I said
"Then get the fu- hm get out of my class"
"Fine!" I said rolling my eyes and I took my books and left while Raine hyped me from the back. As I was leaving Helen followed.

"If my bestie leaves I'm leaving too" Helen yelled
"Nobody asked" He said before slamming the class door in our faces

I looked at Helen and rolled my eyes.

"Perfect!" I muttered


It was weirdly short but what do u guys think? What do y'all think about their first encounter?🤭. Vote, comment and share!💚 and Happy New Year's Eve to my obsessed fans😫💚

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