Chapter 19

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[Play Kill bill-SZA]

"I need you and Raine at the grocery store today" Dad said throwing a list of stuffs to get at me
"What happened to the maid?" I said groaning as I stood up from bed
"She's on leave"
"I'm giving you 10 minutes to get ready" Dad said as he threw a couple of bills on me that was more than enough
"What about mom?"
"She's sick" He said before slamming the door shut and I could hear him stumping over to Raine's room.

I threw on his sweatshirt from that day and shorts, then went to brush my teeth. I put my hair in a messy bun and got out of my room with the list.

I got into the car and waited for Raine to be ready until 5 minutes letter. She was in a tubetop and joggers and her afro in a bun. She got into the car and the driver drove off.

"Why's dad making us do this early in the morning?"
"No idea"
"Probably trying to make us responsible" I added

The driver stopped the car and Raine and I got down and went into the store.

First thing on the list...


I followed Raine to get it and took a packet.

"Cereals, your choice" Raine said and we walked to the cereal department

I picked a box of Coco pops and Fruit n Fibres. As I pushed the cart behind Raine something caught my attention.

Mr. Armani.

I smiled when I saw him, he was smiling...but he wasn't alone. He was with HER. His wife.

He laughed at something she said, and she kissed him on the cheek while he cleaned his cheeks playfully.

I froze.

He's never smiled like that with me. Like a sincere smile. He is always so cold with me or annoyed and never ever smiled sincerely or laughed with me. I watched him, how free he was with her.

"Rhea?" Raine called breaking me from my reverie as she came closer
"What are you...oh" Raine muttered before turning to watch him.
"Forget it" Raine said as she pushed me forward to distract me

I felt so stupid for kissing him when he was happily married.

Why am I acting like a jealous mistress or something?

It's not like he was mine to begin with or I had feelings for him. I just kissed him because of a dare...nothing more.

It was just a one time thing.

"Stop thinking about it" Raine said sternly
"Hmm" I muttered as I swallowed the lump in my throat


I put my head on the desk in frustration. I had History currently but I skipped class because I didn't want to face him so the best option was to stay all cooped up in the library.

Just then I received a text.

Just then I received a text

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Oh my goodness!

He cared...

How did he get my number? I didn't tap on the message though, just straight up ignored it.

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