Chapter 15

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I walked through the hallways avoiding the eyes on me, everyone probably heard about the breakup, I can't complain because I chose to date a popular guy.

I walked to class to see Tristan standing in front of the me holding a bouquet of roses. And I turned around refusing to entertain the crowd watching us, expecting some sort of drama.

He grabbed my wrist making me turn back to face him. I tried to pry my hands off his strong grip but he was too strong.

"Listen to me..." He said but before he could finish I twisted his arm making his grip loosen and walked off to class.

I had History now.

Just greeeeaaaaatttt!

Notice the sarcasm.

When I reached class, Helen, Raine and Nathaniel were already there and I sat in between them.

"I heard what happened...Rhea"
"It's fine Helen you don't need to worry, I'm ok"
"You didn't even wait yesterday" Nathaniel said before wrapping his arms around my sister's waist
"Ew what are you doing with Raine?" I asked suprised totally ignoring his question

"About that...we're dating now" He replied

I think I missed a lot...

" you guys kiss and do stuffs now? Uggh" I said and Raine rolled her eyes jokingly.

She deserved it afterall. They were both perfect for each other and she looked more happier and occupied, thankfully she would be off my ass for a while.

"I know right! It's so weird when they're acting all cuddly instead of their usual annoying selves" Helen replied

He entered into the class and immediately started teaching. I avoided his eyes... I couldn't face him after he embarrassed me yesterday.

"I hope you've not forgotten the dare" Nathan said with a playful smirk and I groaned in frustration.

"What dare?" Helen asked
"Have you forgotten? Nathan asked her to french kiss Mr. Armani" Raine whispered
"So you agreed?" Helen asked with widened eyes
"I wasn't thinking straight because of the drinks and Tristan"
"But now you have to do it...poor you" Nathan said with fake sadness and I glared at him in response
"So how do you want to do that?" Helen asked
"I guess I should get closer with him and go for it"
"You're to slow to make that happen... I have a plan."
"What?" I asked
"You have P.E tomorrow right? Last subject for the day right?" She asked
"Yeahh...where are you going with this?" I asked confused
"Well...I can make him come in place of Coach Ethan" Raine said smirking to herself
"How?" I asked
"I have my ways."
"I'm scared of you." Helen muttered
"You should be." Raine said with innocent smile anything but innocent.
"So how is that supposed to work?" Nathan asked
"Since it's the last period I will lock you both in court for a few minutes maybe just 3 minutes." She whispered
"So how would that lead to a kiss?" Helen asked
"It will...and if that doesn't happen something will happen...eventually"
"I can't believe I'm agreeing to this but ok" I muttered

I wasn't doing this because I like him or something.

Eww. I don't.

I just wanted to make him fall for him and make him pay for his stupidity sometimes, also I needed something to take my mind off Tristan and I love the thrill of doing something forbidden.


I nervously rubbed my hands together to calm my nerves. I don't know how Raine did it but she got Mr. Armani to come instead of Coach Ethan and it was 5 minutes to the end of class.

"You ok?" Tiana asked before sitting beside me as she gulped down a full bottle of water while sweat trailed down her face.

She had just finishing playing basketball. She took a break from the game and someone had to replace her.

"Yeah...Yeah I'm fine T"
"You don't look like you are but I'll take it anyways"

Immediately it signalled the end of class, my classmates started to exit the court leaving him, me and Raine. Raine stood up from the bleachers but not before winking at me and I sighed in defeat.

Of course I wasn't going to do anything...I was just going to sit here and look pretty.

He glanced at me curiously, probably wondering why I was still here. He didn't say a word and walked to the door and as expected it was locked. He tried it again but he was still locked. I didn't even want to be faced with an awkward situation because I don't know why in the world I would agree to this.

Poor me.

So I brought out my phone and awkwardly scrolled through Instagram while he tried to push the door open.

It was more than 20 minutes now, and I felt fear in me, this wasn't what we agreed...Raine.

Shit. I should've known better than to make a deal with her...ughh stupid bitch

It was supposed to be three minutes. I called her but she wasn't picking up and I could hear the school become quiet.

Did she forget me here?

"Aren't you going to go home?" He finally asked

He asked but I ignored him, anxiety kicking in. I could hear my heartbeat beating fast and loud, I had claustrophobia and I couldn't think straight in closed spaces. I started shaking unable to breathe, I tried to breathe but I couldn't. It felt like the room was closing in on me. Sweat rolled down my face as I struggled for air.

I'm going to die.

"Shit" He muttered

Tears started streaming down from my eyes because of the pressure. And before I could black out a pair of warm muscular arms engulfed me into a hug.

"Breathe...Rhea, on the count of three breathe out"
"1..2..3" He counted and let out air from my nose
"Breathe in on the count of 3, 1..2..3" He said and I took in a deep breath
"Breathe out" He commanded
"...Out" He muttered and my nerves started to calm down. I was feeling sane now.

I cried into his chest as he hugged me tightly not letting go off me. Then after a few seconds I realized what I was doing and jumped out of his chest.

"Ew what do you think you're doing? Mr. Armani?" I asked and he rolled his eyes
"I called security, they'll be here in any minute"


HEEYYYY Cuties! I noticed I left for too long and decided to give you an update awnn, how cute of me.

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