Chapter 31

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Skylar's head nodded down along her hand. She was reading a long article that Ed had retrieved to her from the library, and she was taking down notes on important points. She had not been allowed to go out of the house yet, and Ed had visited the library for her sake, and had taken pictures of different books, then had taken a printout and had given it to Skylar for her reference.

Drool rooted down Skylar's hand, and her glasses have gone askew. She did not feel anything except for the once in a while electric power like shock that went through her ankle. This was the reason why Skylar did not prefer to work while she was on the bed. She was leaning back on her pillow, and the soft mattress had been divine for Skylar, that she was already drooping her eyes, nodding her head. Before long, Skylar's hand missed the support, and her head met the table that was pulled closer towards her. Skylar smiled contentedly, and she slept over her notes.


Skylar was running through the same deep dark forest that she had run through every time she was there. She did not know whom, but she felt someone following her. Skylar knew that it was trouble for her, and she just started to quicken her foot steps, afraid that if she was to get caught, what would happen to her. Skylar did not know how long she had run, but her speed had pushed her to the edge, and Skylar stopped, panting hard. Sweat was rooting down the side of her head, and her heart was beating too loud on her chest. She felt as though she would die if she was to take a step further. Skylar was bent down in two, and she slowly turned her head to the side. The following footsteps had subsided, but in the gentle ruffling of the leaves, Skylar was able to make out the shadow of 'the something' which had followed her, watching her.

Skylar pushed her glasses up her nose, and she stood up straight. She wiped the side of her face with her sleeve, and she looked up at the creatures. They slowly started to come into her focus, and Skylar squinted her eyebrows, wondering what they were. There were two of them, and except for their different skin colors, they were identical. Their hands were protruded from out of their heads, and the fingers were replaced by giant claws. Its dirt filled brown nails were too long in its claws, and it clicked dangerously, as though it was waiting to trap something on its nails. Skylar shuddered. The creatures legs were too short and to be honest, they were standing only on one leg. That did not mean that they had lost a leg, it was as though they were born, or rather created, with only a single leg.

Fear started to creep inside Skylar as the one legged creatures hopped towards Skylar. Previously, as its face had been in darkness, Skylar was not able to make out its features. But now, the light from the small clearing was directly falling on them, and what she saw made bile rise up her throat. The creature's faces were, honestly, too horrible to describe. Just like the leg, there was only an eye. And that too, was on its right side, leaving a completely blank space of skin, left to it. Not even a hint of an eyeball was there, and Skylar saw that it did not actually worry about the fact that it was one eyed. There were not any noses available, and Skylar shook her head as she realized that there was an actual nose, even though it looked like a very short cylinder. It looked more like a badly modified version of a pig's snout, and Skylar wondered whether the creatures would grunt instead of talk. The lips of the creatures were too large, and the gaping hole in the middle of it looked as though it could never be closed because the large lips were not letting them come closer to each other.

Skylar took a step back as the two creatures put their tongues out. It lashed around in the darkness, and Skylar noticed that the tongue was too long. It was split in two at the end, and as it lashed towards Skylar, she noticed that it had giant red bubbles over its dark blue tongue. Matching the skin color of the creatures, the creature which had dark blue tongue had an almost equal shade, and the other creature had dark green tongue and skin.

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