Chapter 15

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Skylar woke up, as the first rays of sunshine started to shine through the lacy curtains. She squinted her eyes and yawned widely. As usual, she tried to remember the dream or the nightmare she had. Without having to spend too much time on it, she remembered the wonderful dream she had that night. She sighed.

'Why did I have a dream as sudden as that?' she thought. 'What did happen last night?'

Skylar sent her memory back through what had happened last night, and suddenly she remembered why did she have a peaceful sleep. She turned behind her and saw the empty bed.

'Had Eddie left already?' she thought.

Skylar searched her eyes through the room, and checked just to make sure that he was not hiding himself, so as to prank her. But her shoulders heaved in sadness as she made sure that she was the only one there. Shaking her head, as unwanted thoughts started to creep through her mind, Skylar got down the bed, and she went to take a shower. After the long hot shower had seared through her skin, Skylar got out, rubbing her hair, drying it. She stood in front of the mirror and leaned closer as there was a sticky note pasted on it. A small smile crept up Skylar's lips as she recognized Ed's handwriting. She removed the note, and read it.

Hey Sky,

I am just leaving early darling. I don't want to get caught by your dad. I forgot to let you know yesterday, but Reese messaged me telling me that she will accompany you to school as usual. So, meet you later at school today, darling.

Love You, Eddie.

Skylar read the note with a huge smile on her face, and she thumbed the little sketch of a heart beside Ed's name. She took the letter closer to her face, and she pressed it to her lips, closing her eyes. Without wanting to dawdle anymore, Skylar quickly put the note inside a secret pocket in her school bag, and she changed into her usual black attire. Within five minutes she was downstairs, ready to have breakfast with her father.

Skylar looked suspiciously at her father, but he did not look any different. He looked just as he usually is, and Skylar sighed, thinking that he might not know anything about Ed's visit on the previous night.

"Bye Dad." Skylar put her arms across her father's neck and kissed him, as he stood beside the door, waiting to look at Skylar before she went to school safely.

"Bye darling." Henry smiled, as Skylar skipped through the garden, and closed the kissing gate behind her. Skylar waved standing out of the gate, and Henry chuckled.

Skylar hummed a song for herself, and she turned the corner. She fell back, surprised as she saw Darla waiting for her. Hearing Skylar's surprised exclaim, Darla turned towards her, beaming.

"Hey, Sky," she greeted, coming closer. Skylar beamed. "I missed you, darling." she cried and put her arms around Skylar's neck. Warmth blossomed through Skylar's neck and she put her arms around her, and being so tiny in size, Skylar lifted her up off her feet and turned her around. Darla laughed as she finally was landed back on her feet.

"I am so sorry, Sky." she said, as they fell to steps beside each other. "I badly wanted to talk to you, but I saw that Eddie was with you. So, I knew that you were not alone. But, Reree wanted me. I knew she was killing herself, so I had to accompany her. I felt betrayed for you. You were my first friend, but I was feeling like I cheated on you and I chose Reree over you." she finished slowly, not meeting Skylar's eyes and staring at the ground.

"Past is in the past, Dar. Don't think about that now. And," she looked at her from the corner of her eyes. "I am not angry with you." she smiled. "I can never be angry with you." she chuckled, and Darla felt as though a heavy weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

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