Chapter 18

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"You look good"

Carter had been assuring me since we got in the Uber, now only about 5 minutes away from Jared's parents' house.

"Thanks." I smiled politely at him. The dress was suffocatingly tight, but I did look good. I decided to wear white sneakers instead of any heels, despite Carter telling me that heels would look better.

I left my hair straight down like he told me, but put on a bit more makeup than usual, my eyelids shining with white glitter.

I felt pretty for the first time since my accident, ready to not think about Ava.

But I seemed to be doing the opposite, constantly thinking about not thinking about her.

"This is it." Carter was beaming. He was dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt, much more casual than I was dressed.

"Am I overdressed?" I whispered as our Uber stopped, the entire house seeming to be shaking as music blared out of it. We hopped out of the car and stood on the curb, looking around at the cars that were parked along the sidewalk throughout the entire neighborhood.

Luckily Jared's house was massive and it could hold the insane amount of people that were flooding in and out of it.

"Nah." Carter said, grabbing my hand and leading me inside.

The music was so loud I could hardly think as Carter led me throughout the house. He dabbed people up as he walked by, holding onto my hand with his left.

"Oh hey-" Carter stopped in front of a guy, giving him a quick hug.

"Hey man!" The guy was muscular and tall, just like Carter but with darker skin. "Oh hey Livy." He smiled at me, raising his red solo cup to his lips.

"Hi." I vaguely remembered him, watching as she chugged whatever was in the drink.

"Livy I don't know if you remember Christian but he's a buddy of mine." Carter explained. "Actually I'll go grab us some drinks and you can stay with him for a minute yeah? Talk a little?"

Carter slowly released my hand, and I knew I had no option. "Okay yeah, just no alcohol for me please."

"Of course." Carter nodded, giving one last smile and shoulder punch to his friend before leaving.

"So what's new?" Christian asked, grinning down at me as he finished his drink. His silver earrings and necklace were shining against his skin, dressed in a white t-shirt and jeans.

"Not much, hit my head you know." I shrugged as if it was a casual everyday thing, Christian laughing.

"Oh yeah, you all fixed up?"

I nodded. "Yeah I'm cheering again."

"Thank god, we need some actually hot chicks on the sidelines. I mean the freshman are cute but you and Ava are smoking."

I wanted to throw up, violently, all over his white shoes.

"Thanks." Instead I smiled, ignoring the nausea. "So what's new with you?"

"Scouts are coming to our next game, you know the one against Weston, i'm hoping to get some scholarships." I watched as Christian turned his head when a pretty blonde walked by, winking at her and watching her blush red.

"That's nice." I nodded, a feeling of relief washing over me as Carter came back. "I hope you get some scholarship offers."

"Thanks Livy." Christian smiled warmly as Carter handed me a drink in a red solo cup, smelling very fruity.

"Just regular punch." Carter said, taking a sip of his own drink and watching me carefully.

I slowly took a sip, tasting a little chemically but nothing too out of the ordinary. "Thanks."

"Yeah of course, any memories coming back?" Christian had slipped away at this point, Carter wrapping an arm around me and guiding me further into the house.

I shook my head, continuing to sip on the drink. "Not yet, but I remembered Christian."

"That's great!" Carter and I were now in the living room, which was very much full. People greeted us both and made room for us to sit down on one of the couches, Carter's arm now leaving me.

"Hey Liv." One girl smiled, and I recognized her from a past party. "How have you been?"

"Good." I kept sipping nervously. "How have you been?"

"Ugh amazing. I've missed you though, you always made parties so.... fun." She widened her eyes on the last word, a smile on her face.

"Did I?" Another nervous sip, and another. I looked around, the rest of the room engrossed in their own conversations, paying no attention to us.

"Oh god yes, you used to dance on tables. I joined you once."

Another nervous sip, my cheeks feeling hot. "Gosh I don't remember that."

"I'm not surprised." The girl laughed. "You were basically black out drunk. No one has ever seen you throw up though, it used to be a bet, are you drinking right now?"

"No i'm not." I took another long sip, wanting this conversation to be over. But I had to torture myself, I had to ask. "How many times did I dance on a table?"

She counted on her fingers quickly. "About three times I believe. You only started going to parties right before your accident."

I nodded, sipping again. Before I knew it my cup was empty, and Carter was getting me a refill.

"How long have you and Carter been together?" She asked, fiddling with her blonde hair.

"I can't remember honestly." I said, now fiddling with my hands. Why did I feel so intimidated by this girl?

"Interesting." She sighed. "Well are you guys pretty like- committed? Or is it an open relationship type thing."

What is she getting at?

"Committed." I answered, solidly. "But we're taking things slow right now because of the accident."

"Right.." She nodded, but I didn't like the way she was examining me. "You know, I heard the weirdest thing..."

"Yeah?" I propped my elbow up on the couch, suddenly feeling a little groggy. I knew what she was going to say she heard, but I couldn't really care.

Why do I not care?

She's going to say she heard I was a cheater.

"I heard that- Oh Carter you're back." The girl flashed her smile as Carter sat down next to me, handing me my now full cup.

"Thanks." I mumbled, my body feeling a little warm. Maybe the nerves were getting to me.

I instinctively took another nervous sip of my drink, the conversation between I and the girl over.

Another sip, watching Carter laugh with his friends. Another sip, watching Carter put a hand on my thigh.

Another sip, the flashing lights beggining to mimick my pounding head.

Another cup, my own giggle now filling the room.

Another sip, Carter's lips on my neck.

Another sip, I was standing. Another sip, Carter was holding my waist.

Another sip and the music became irresistible.

Another cup.

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