Chapter 17

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Ivy's POV

"Little one"

I groan, rolling over onto my stomach. I hear a chuckle before the blanket is ripped from me.

"Willow's here." I peak open one eye, glaring at a smirking Leo standing above me.

I force myself to sit up, blowing a strand of hair out of my face. A pile of clothes land on my lap, a black midi skirt and graphic crop top, curtosey of my shopping spree with Scarlette and Isabella. Thank god they wear normal clothes here.

"I can pick out my own clothes." I huff, marching to the bathroom to change. Leo follows after me but I slam the door in his face, smirking at the grumble I hear from the other side of the door.

I get washed up and dressed, rolling my eyes when I hear the doorknob rattle. I open the door, Leo leaning against the frame. I try to push past him but he traps me against the wall, his hand resting on my throat.

"You're mean when you wake up." He murmurs his lips meeting my jaw.

"I don't appreciate being forced out of bed." I grit out, biting my lip as he sucks on the spot under my ear.

"What can I do to turn you back into the obedient little girl you were for me last night?" I shudder, his breath casting heat over my neck. A knock sounds on the door, making me jump. He moves away, grinning at how flushed I've become and I glare, fixing myself before yelling at whoever was outside to come in.

Willow walks in, a flowy purple dress fluttering around her as she moves. She gives a small curtsey to Leo who nods at her, giving me a wink before leaving and closing the door behind him.

"You wanted to meet with me again."

"Yes uh, I had a few questions I thought you could help me with."

"Of course, your majesty."

"Ivy," I corrected and she smiles gently.

"You're our future queen. It's disrespectful for me to call you by your first name."

"Please, I hate formalities."

"Very well." I smile, tilting my head towards the balcony.

"Shall we sit outside? I love looking out at the garden."

"Of course, Ivy."

I settle myself on a wicker chair and Willow sits opposite me. I fidget nervously, trying to figure out how to bring up the topic.

"Can I trust you?"

Willow blinks, tilting her head. "Of course."
"You're not reporting on everything I say for Leo and Owen?"

She laughs, shaking her head. "Unless it's something really bad, I won't tell."

I exhale, nodding. She leans forward, concern lining her features.

"Is everything alright?"

"Well, something weird happened."


I start to tell her what happened both in the alley (which Leo had already told her about before I arrived here) and the situation from two days ago, leaving out Mark's name despite her curiosity. When I finish, Willow's brows are furrowed in thought.


"Honestly, I'm not sure," she says and I slump back in my seat.

"I didn't feel any power coming from you when we did the exercises before, but if your magic is suppressed, it makes sense why it came out during moments of panic."

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