Chapter 9

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IIvy's POV

Owen put his hands to his ears as my scream ricochets off the bedroom walls, Leo simply staring at me with a grim look on his face. I wrap my arms around myself and back into the headboard, pulling my legs up to my chest.

"Are you done?" Leo grunts, his arms folded and looking at me like I'm a child throwing a tantrum.

"What the fuck is going on?"

The two men just look at me, neither one wanting to break the silence.

"Someone better start talking right now."

Owen sighs and perches on the corner of the bed, reaching out to me once again but stopping when he sees me move away.

"There's a lot to discuss." He mutters, avoiding my eyes. "But we'll be as honest as we can with you."

"Where am I?"

"My bedroom." Leo answers, a bored look on his face..


"Because we thought it was time you knew."

"Knew what exactly."

Owen turns to look at me, his eyes gentle. "You avoided us for a week. It was awful. We hated how easily you could ignore our calls and messages. We hated even more that you felt conflicted between us."

My brows furrowed. "Wait, how do you even know each other?"

They glance at each other before Owen answers again. "We're brothers. Twins."

My mouth gapes. The two do look similar, which is why I was drawn to them in the first place, but brothers?

"And you both knew you were dating me?" They nod.

"That isn't...a bit weird for you two?"

"It is, but we don't have a choice." Owen smiles softly. "We're both in love with you and we want each other to be happy, so there's no point in fighting over you."

"In love?" I scoff. "We barely know each other."

"My brother is being dramatic," Leo sighs. "But we're both interested in you, yes."

Owen glares at his brother, turning back towards me and taking my hand between his, kissing my knuckles softly.

"A few months is enough time to tell you the truth."

"A few months? No, we've only been dating a few weeks..." My breath gets caught in my throat as I look at the two of them, both with guilty looks on their faces. I look around the room once more, feeling the same sense of familiarity as I did when I first woke up. Only now, it clicks. My dream.

Leo moves towards me but I hold my hand up as I try to scramble off the bed, backing into the corner.

"Baby, we can explain." Owen tries to pull me towards him but I rip my hand from his grasp.

"No!" I put my head in my hands, feeling a dull ache as a migraine begins to form. My heart is thumping in my chest and I can hear it ringing in my ears. In the background, I hear Owen trying to talk to me but I tune him out, trying to take deep breaths and not fall into a massive panic attack. I breathe in and out several times before I hear my heartbeat begin to slow down again, lifting my head to glare at the two men standing in front of me, concern in their eyes.

"What the fuck is going on?"

Owen shuffles forward slightly but still leaves a big space between us, which I'm glad for.

"Those dreams you had every night, the ones that make this room feel so familiar, we had them too." He explains quietly, head downcast. "Only, they weren't dreams for us gorgeous. Each time you fell asleep, you found yourself here and every day we'd wait until we could see you again. We had no idea where you were from or how you always ended up here but fuck, we became so addicted to you that waiting for the moment you fell asleep wasn't enough anymore. So we figured out where you were."
"We didn't want to scare you away by just showing up and taking off where we left off." Owen continues. "So instead we decided to date you in real life, let us show you who we are in the daytime in hopes you would love us as much as we love you. Only, it backfired because when we started wanting more, you pulled away. And while it was only four days for you, it felt like an eternity to us."

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