Chapter 5

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Owen's POV

I'm pacing back and forth in my room, glancing at the clock every two seconds. The house is silent and all I can hear is my heart pounding in my ears. Leo's been missing for hours and I bet I know exactly where he is, where he specifically told me not to go. I growl, knocking over the objects littered on the desk in his office. Whenever she's not here, he spends his time avoiding the idea of us having a mate, constantly telling me how we can't complete the bond because no one will approve of the union.

Then, when he thinks I'm too stupid to notice, he sneaks out to be with our girl. He knows as well as I do that you can't fight the mate bond, no matter how badly he wants to. There will be no one else that ever measures up to her and if that means going against the opinions of the council, so be it.

I pace for a few more minutes before I hear his boots tapping on the hardwood floor. I fling the office door open, glaring at Leo as he makes his way over to me.


"Well what?"
"Well where is she!'' I yell looking around. I can smell her but she deosn't seem anywhere close.

Leo winces, rubbing his ears.

"I told you, we're not going to march over to her and drag her here. I need to make sure we can trust her first."

A wave of anger rushes over me, but I will myself to be calm. I take a deep breath, eyeing him.

"Did you see her?"


"Did you talk to her?"

"I did."

"Did you touch her?"

Leo grins. I sniff deep, smelling her all over him, but her scent is different. It's..charged, with an extra sweet, tangy tone. Her arousal.

"You fucked her without me?"

Leo laughs deep, shoving my shoulder.

"No idiot. But I couldn't help myself from pleasing her. She sounds like a goddess."

I nod, remembering the way she came for us a couple nights ago.

I look back at him.

"I want to see her."

"Give it some time. I want to watch her just a little longer."

"No," I shake my head. "You've been seeing her without me for weeks. Now it's my turn. If you don't tell me where she is, I'll find her anyway."

It took me two weeks. It was the longest two weeks of my fucking life, and more than once Leo had to physically stop me from going to the human realm to hunt her down. Leo hasn't bumped into her either, staying in the shadows and watching from afar. I've seen her text him a few times, but he keeps avoiding her whenever she asks to see him again. She probably thinks he ghosted her.

I fiddle with my rings, trying to rid the nerves. I look up into the mirror and straighten my shoulders. With my signature smirk on my lips, I'm ready to find my girl. And I'm not leaving without a piece of her.


She's walking down the street, her coat pulled tightly against her as the wind whips her hair all over her face. I chuckle as I watch her fight with the loose strands, growling to herself before eventually giving up. She looks exquisite. Her little nose is red from the cold, her full plump lips pouting adorably.

I continue watching her across the street, even covered from head to toe she still manages to make my cock hard for her. She walks towards a small coffee shop, with cursive letters on the sign. I cross the street, following her from a distance, her scent mixing with the smell of coffee beans and vanilla.

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