Chapter 15

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Ivy's POV

"Are you sure you're okay with this?"

I roll my eyes, watching Owen's nervous fidgeting in the mirror as I brush my hair.

"Do you not want me to meet your friends?" I tease, putting the brush down and walking over to him.

"I just don't want to overwhelm you. Our friends can be...a lot sometimes."

"I can hold my own."

I was excited to meet some other people. As much as I enjoyed my men's company, I was craving some attention from someone else, plus my body is sore and needs a break from the constant orgasms.

Owen's eyes rake over my outfit, a simple white flowy dress that reaches mid-thigh and some matching white converses. He pulls me closer by my hips, his lips ghosting over mine.

"You look exquisite, gorgeous."

"If you keep looking at me like that, we'll be late."

"I'm okay with that." He grins against my lips, his hand reaching around to squeeze my ass. The door opens and Leo walks in, his eyes taking in my outfit. I scoff when I see him readjust his bulge, Owen smirking from over my shoulder.

"Can you both keep it in your pants for the next hour while I meet your friends?"

"No." "Yes." They say simultaneously and I huff, walking over to Leo and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the room. Leo walks ahead, reaching behind and holding his hand out for me. Owen stood at my side, taking my other hand and squeezing gently.

We walk out of the wing I'd spent most of my time in and down the marble steps, turning right and entering a large drawing room, similar to the one upstairs. This one had much darker features, black armchairs littering the room and a grand dark wood fireplace. A painting hung above it, showing a regal couple with blank expressions.

"Who are they," I ask, my eyes locked on the beautiful woman in the picture.

"Our parents," Owen whispered, leading me further into the room.

Four people sat in armchairs in the far corner of the room, talking quietly. Two girls sat together, one on the armchair and the other sat on the armrest. They both wore matching black lace dresses, their long legs crossed showing off their blood-red heels. One had long blonde hair in soft waves while the other had dark red hair in a loose bun, small tendrils shaping her face. On the other chairs sat two men, one with blonde hair and the other with a shaved head, a tattoo shaping the right side of his skull. Their backs were to me but even from behind they looked intimidating.

"Guys," Owen clears his throat and their heads snap up, looking in our direction. "This is our mate, Ivy."

The two men stood, towering over all of us, their dark eyes trained on me. I recognised the blonde as the one from Leo's office. I swallowed my anxiety and gave them a small smile, their faces remaining blank.


"She's pretty." The redhead moves towards me and I gasp as her eyes land on mine. Her irises were gold standing out on her face. I hear a scoff behind her, the blonde pushing her way to stand next to the other girl, her eyes scanning me up and down.

"I'm Scarlette." The redhead smiles at me, holding out her hand. I give her a brief handshake, feeling the blonde drill holes in the side of my head.

"And she's not available." The blonde blurts, making my cheeks turn the colour of Scarlette's hair. Scarlette just laughs, rolling her eyes and wrapping her arm around the blonde's waist.

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