Chapter 10

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Ivy's POV

Owen leads us back into the living room and puts on a movie. I curl into his side, wrapping myself around him under the blanket he drapes over us both. I don't pay much attention, enjoying his body heat and hearing him breathe. He doesn't complain when I snuggle in closer, closing my eyes as exhaustion finally hits me. My mind is still reeling from the last few hours and my brain needs a quick recharge before I can fully determine how I feel about everything.

I'm not sure how long I've been sleeping for before I feel Owen gently shake me awake. I groan, trying to push his arms off and burrow myself deeper into his chest.

"Come on baby, I promise you can sleep more in a little while, but there's someone who would like to meet you."

I peek an eye open, noticing a beautiful woman standing over by Leo, a pang of jealousy bubbling in my chest. Owen turns to look at me, quirking a cocky smile. I widen my eyes as I remember he can feel how I feel and quickly remember to put my wall back up, pushing the blanket off of me and sitting up properly on the sofa.

"Ivy, this is Willow. She teaches children in our realm's most powerful coven, Drea and she's here to examine you."

"I'm not some lab rat you know." I scoff, giving her a quick glance.

She is absolutely stunning, long red hair that reaches her waist in tiny loose ringlets. Her blue eyes shine as she smiles at me. She's way taller than me, with long legs I prayed for as a child.

"Hey Ivy." She takes a few steps towards me. "Leo told me about what's been happening so I thought we could do some tests to see if we can understand what's going on a little more." She talks gently and I get up to walk towards her, taking the hand she's holding out for me. She guides me to the middle of the room, away from the furniture and the two men. I throw them an anxious glance but Owen nods encouragingly. She sits us down facing each other, clasping our hands out in front of us.

"So, first I just want you to focus on your energy okay?" I close my eyes, trying to imagine an aura around me.

"Now, can you try transferring your energy to me? Let me absorb it." I imagine pushing it towards her, but I don't really feel anything. I peek open one eye to see if she can feel me pushing towards her.

Her eyes are closed but her eyebrows are furrowed. She opens her eyes after a few seconds.


"No." She says softly. "We can work on it. For now, lets try something else." She rummages in her bag placed beside her, pulling out a candle and setting it down between us. She joins our hands once more.

"Okay, focus on your energy once more and then direct it to the candle, imagining it lit, like this."

She closes her eyes and breathes in. As she exhales, the candle comes to life. My eyes widen at the action. Opening her eyes, Willow blows it out and nods to me.

"Your turn."

I close my eyes and try to do the same, taking a deep breath in and seeing the candle lit in my mind. But when I open my eyes, the candle remains unchanged.

"This is stupid." I mutter, getting up.

"I don't have magic. I didn't even know magic was a real thing until two seconds ago. This isn't going to work."

Willow looks up at me with pity, nodding her head and standing, picking up her bag.

"What about that night in the alley?"

I freeze, all eyes turning to me. I tilt my chin up, glaring at Leo.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

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