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Since I'm losing motivation, (help me 😭)
I'll just give you all some sneak peaks so you won't leave my book!

These are from Chapter 4 and 5 btw so yeah..
Also, please keep in mind that I don't ship earth With anyone besides Theia (for now at least.) But if you're wondering (which I highly doubt since I'm the worst) the main ship here is Vars...sorry if you don't like this ship, you can send hate comments if you wanna. But this is my AU so...uhm..yeah..

Warning, these may be Spoilers, so if you don't wanna, you can click away! :3

But anyways here!

Chapter 4 Sneak peak:

"Uranus..it's uh me.. Jupiter.."


No answer.

Jupiter raised a brow in confusion and knocked again, this time a bit louder "Uranus? Answer the door... Please?"


"Okay this is getting ridiculous, Uranus, Open the door!"


Jupiter had enough and turned the door knob and opened the door, only to be met by a thick atmosphere and a heavy tension.."Uranus..."

He looked around worryingly and wondered what the whole setting was about in the first place..stepping inside the room, he closed the door behind him and turned the light on..seeing a figure lying on the bed, he assumed that it was The painter and sat down the corner of the bed and placed a comforting hand on his Shoulder..

"Hey Buddy..How are you?"

"...." Uranus shifted his sleeping position to the side Abit before suddenly jolting back up.. "Jupiter.."

"Oh, sorry! Were you sleeping?! I didn't-"

"What- no..no..I wasn't...I just.. didn't notice you..."

"How can you not notice when I was
literally— you know what, don't answer that. I just came here to see how you were doing. After..you know.."

"I'm not okay..okay? I'm trying my best to get my mind off of it but it isn't working! I can see him in the corner of my eye, just faintly hearing his voice calling out...I... Jupiter.." He looked down, his eyes full of hesitation.. "I might be going insane."

This caused Jupiter to look at him with wide eyes and shook his head disappointingly, "Nonsense, if you did, we would've noticed. Now Please..come with me.."

"Wh- To where...,?"

"You already missed a lot today..plus you haven't eaten yet."

"Jupiter, I don't want to-"


"I- fine... I'll be after you."

Jupiter nodded and stood up, he looked at Uranus and smiled before leaving, not closing the door behind him. Uranus sighed and looked down, thinking about the things that happened lately...and the dream he just had..

Was he really the one to blame..?

He didn't know any of this so..it can't be right..? Plus, it was just a dream..he wouldn't have the guts to end himself anyway.

Chapter 5 sneak Peaks:

"Yeah, yeah...so.. How's Mercury?"

Venus's smile faded and looked down the soft grass beneath him, His finger hovered above them as he tried to suppress the words that he wanted to say..

Noticing the sudden silence from the Prince, he got the point and stopped his tracks, sitting in the dimly lit path before him.. "Venus..It's okay, you can tell me..."

Venus took a deep breath and hugged his knees.. "The Doctor said that he's currently in a coma.." Tears filled his eyes and buried his face onto his knees further, feeling the guilt of his past actions wash over him again... "They said that..he has a chance that he might stay like that for the rest of his life...and- I- I..." He trailed off his words, he couldn't take this heavy feeling anymore and tears flowed down his face..

"Venus, it's not your fault.." Mars reassured, trying to comfort Venus..he might not be there physically but at least he can try to comfort him Verbally... "Whatever it is..I'm sure Mercury already forgave you.."

"But...I never got the chance to apologize! I was just so- so- so Afraid that he might not accept my apology and wont talk to me again that I planned to not Do it! It sounds silly I know but....I shouldn't have let my insecurities get to me...what if he...leaves without knowing the guilt that I'm carrying..what if he-...he-... he'll die thinking that I'm a monster?!"

"Shh..." Mars Cooed.. "he won't Die..I can't promise that but...I sure know one thing about him... he's way too stubborn to even follow death himself..

(I wrote these at 12 PM btw, so that's why my writing may look jumbled or drunk..even though it's usually worse than that 😀 I have the shitiest writing Istg...I apologize for those expert writers, I'm pretty sure you're cringing and disappointed at me 😭 I'm only 12, please, I'm still learning how to write the majority of words and how to use Literature in these😔)

But anyways, bye pookies <3

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