Chapter 12 (✿ ♥‿♥)

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Finn possibly being a traitor was too much to bear. Making my way to him, my mind was in turmoil, torn between loyalty to my kingdom and the love I thought I shared with him.


My heart raced as I found Finn in the training yard, his sword slicing through the air with deadly precision. Our eyes met and a sense of unease washed over me, knowing what I was about to do.

"Finn," I called out, my voice waving slightly despite my efforts to sound confident. "We need to talk."

He sheathed his sword and walked towards me, an easy smile on his face that didn't quite reach his eyes. I led him miles away from the nearby castle with wandering ears.

"What is it, my princess?" he asked, concern etched into his features.

I took a shaky breath, my grip tightening on the edge of my dress.

"Finn, I have reason to believe that someone close to us is plotting against the royal kingdom," I blurted out, barely meeting his gaze.

His expression turned grave as he led me away from the bustle of the training grounds and up to a secluded hill overlooking our kingdom. The sun glinted off his armor, casting him in a fierce light as he sat down next to me on the grass.

"Abby, there's something I need to tell you," Finn begins, his hands reaching for mine in a gesture of comfort. "I've been receiving cryptic letters urging me to betray the crown."

My mind reeled at this revelation, and he continued before I could process it fully. "But that's not all. I've discovered a secret network within our own ranks, plotting to overthrow the royal family and seize control of the kingdom."

My stomach clenched with fear as Finn ran a hand through his hair, frustration evident in every line of his face. We were facing an enemy we couldn't see or trust.

Sliding away from him slightly, I looked into his determined eyes.

"We must act quickly and cautiously," I said firm.

"This treachery cannot go unpunished and we must protect our kingdom at all costs."

As the sun began to set, bringing light to long shadows across the landscape, Finn took a deep breath before revealing his final revelation. "My princess, there may be a plot among the knights to overthrow the royal family and take over the kingdom."

My heart sank at the gravity of his words, but I refused to let fear consume me. I met his determined gaze and knew Finn had to be innocent. 

I know my father will disagree with my current thoughts. To be a future King I need to not be biased. I need to reduce my trust in a handful of people. I grew up with Lance, Hax, and Finn. Would one of them truly be a spy? Would I reconsider everything I thought I knew about them?

As the weight of responsibility settled on my shoulders, I knew that the fate of our kingdom rested on my ability to navigate this treacherous path. Finn placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, his eyes reflecting his unwavering loyalty and determination.

"Abby, we can no longer afford to be naive," he said, his voice firm yet filled with an underlying warmth that eased some of the tension coiling in my chest. "We must tread carefully and trust only those who have proven themselves beyond doubt."

I nodded, feeling my resolve harden within me.

"We need to gather our most trusted allies and devise a plan to root out this conspiracy before it's too late," I stated, steel entering my tone as I embraced the mantle of leadership that had been thrust upon me.

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