Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It was 11 o'clock in the morning when they reached Antonio's sprawling farm. Sawyer could see plots segregated to grow tomatoes, corn, beans, squash and cucumbers. There was a livestock section too, with farm hands working relentlessly in the scorching sun.

"Welcome to Veracruz Farms, Sawyer," said Antonio, looking excitedly at the hacienda which had been his home for generations. Sawyer looked around him in disbelief. The entire estate and the house tucked away in a corner needed repair, but still there was a tranquil and peaceful quality in the place.

The rural backdrop, the hardworking people, everything made him realize he was now far away from his home in Fordsville. Everyone should be up by now and might have realized that he had left. Renée would shed tears on seeing his note. He sighed at the thought of his Renée.

"It's very good, Antonio. Have you been able to pay off your debt and get your property released?" he asked curiously. Antonio shook his head with a sad smile.

"It's not so easy, Sawyer, my boy. Whatever I earn, I spend on paying the laborers who work for me and on Lara's medical costs. There isn't enough to pay off the debt."

They trudged up the winding road that led to the house. It was a two storied, sprawling colonial type of house, a little old-fashioned with huge pillars, arched doorways, clay tiled roofs and a vast courtyard. Antonio led him inside and a man who Sawyer understood to be Carlos came forward to meet them.

"Carlos, this is Sawyer Wilson, Lara's son," said Antonio. "Sawyer, this is Carlos, my right-hand man."

"Hola, Señor Wilson," greeted Carlos, who was a tall and muscular man, much taller than Antonio and Sawyer, almost like a giant. He didn't look older than him, maybe in his late twenties.

"Hello," said Sawyer.

They started talking in their own language, and Carlos seemed to update Antonio about the farm and his mom. Then they walked down the courtyard to the other side towards a room.

"Come, Sawyer, let's meet your mom," said Antonio. He opened the door and walked inside, with Sawyer following him. Sawyer was eager to see his mom and to tell her he loved her. He wanted to thank her for saving his life by leaving him on the banks of Bearhead Creek. Now that he found her, he wanted to spend some time with her.

As he entered the room, he saw a frail woman lying on the bed with her eyes closed. She seemed to be somewhere in her mid-forties, but she looked extremely beautiful, even in her sickness. It was obvious she might have looked too beautiful for her own good in her younger days. She looked extremely sick and was panting as if it was taking a lot of effort on her part. Sensing their presence, she slowly opened her eyes to look at Antonio and then smiled expectantly.

"You've come home, Antonio? Where's my baby?" she asked with an effort, frantically looking at his empty arms. Sawyer felt a pull at his heartstrings seeing his mom's heartbroken expression, seeing Antonio's empty arms. She hadn't recognized him yet. She was still looking for the newborn baby Sawyer whom she had left behind twenty-three years ago. For her time stood still at that moment when she had to part with her baby and despite everything, she hadn't moved on.

Antonio pulled a chair and sat down beside her, holding her hands in his. "You didn't find my baby, Antonio?" she said with tears in her eyes.

"I did. I found your son, Lara. He's now a big boy of twenty-three and he's come with me to look after you. You'll get well soon," said Antonio, as his mom stared at Antonio with disbelief.

"No, no, he can't be so big. You've got the wrong boy. I just left him yesterday and he must be hungry by now," said his mom. Sawyer came forward and kneeled beside her bed.

"Mom, can't you recognize me? I'm your son, Sawyer. You didn't leave me yesterday. You left me twenty-three years ago and the Wilsons have brought me up like their own. Look at the pendant that you had given me," said Sawyer, showing her the pendant that still hung around his neck. She froze in terror at seeing it.

"Sawyer? My son?" she said, staring at him, her eyes full of love as the tears fell down her cheeks. Sawyer nodded.

"Yes, Mom, I'm your son," he said. She left Antonio's hand and caught his. Sawyer supported her trembling hands in his own.

"Throw away that pendant, my boy. They'll take you away," she said, looking around with fear.

"They're dead, mom. No one will take me away. But I'll destroy this pendant. Okay?" said Sawyer. His mom nodded and a smile of pure joy spread across her face, lighting up her eyes. She turned towards Antonio, who was watching them silently.

"Thank you, Antonio. I'm glad that you found my boy," she said to him. Antonio smiled, looking contented at last.

"Now promise to get well soon, Lara." She nodded.

"Yes, I will get well now." He leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Sawyer, you can talk to your mom. I'll just take an update on the farm and come back. You'll be staying in the room next to your mom's. Carlos is outside. If you need something, just ask him. Okay?" said Antonio. Sawyer stood up and nodded.


Antonio leaned towards Lara. "Lara, I'm going to work. I'll come back soon," he whispered, as if talking to a small child. Lara nodded slowly and smiled, touching his cheek. The love between them touched Sawyer's heart. They seemed to really love each other, just like Renée and him. Seeing them, he remembered his Renée. She might be heartbroken for him. He needed to call her and talk to her.

Antonio left, and he sat with his mom. "I'm so happy to see you, Sawyer."

"Me too, mom. I love you so much. I wanted to see you so badly."

She smiled and touched his face with trembling hands. "I love you too," she whispered. She looked tired and her hand fell to her sides as her eyes drooped, almost closing.

"Are you feeling weak?" asked Sawyer, stroking her hair. She nodded. "I think you should rest a bit. We'll talk later, Mom. Sleep a little, now."

She nodded as her eyes grew drowsy. All the efforts made her exhausted, and she slowly closed her eyes. Carlos came inside to check up on her.

"Mamá, go to sleep. Your son's in the next room," said Carlos. His mom nodded slowly as sleep overcame her senses. Carlos turned towards Sawyer.

"Come Señor Wilson, I'll show you to your room," he said to Sawyer, leading the way.

"Call me Sawyer." Carlos smiled in response. He led Sawyer to the room next door, which was as big as his mom's. It was very basic, but it was enough for Sawyer. He was a man of few needs.

"Do you need anything, Sawyer?" Sawyer smiled and shook his head.

"No, Carlos. Thank you so much. I'll take a shower." Carlos nodded and left. Sawyer saw his bag lying on the floor. He took a quick shower and changed into a fresh set of clothes. Then he thought of calling his home and informing them, but surprisingly, he couldn't find his mobile phone anywhere. Didn't he bring it with him? Sawyer just couldn't recall where he had placed it. He might have left it at home. He didn't remember anyone's phone number except Renée and his dad's. Maybe he would call them later from Antonio's number when he returned.

Carlos came back after some time with his lunch. "Antonio will have his lunch with us at the farm. Mamá is still sleeping. So I brought you your lunch," said Carlos.

"Thank you, Carlos," he said, accepting the plate of delicious Mexican food. After Carlos left, he ravenously tucked into the delicious food. Sawyer wanted to talk to his mom, he wanted to know her, and comfort her, but with her asleep, he felt a little bored and lonely.

All the time, Sawyer missed Renée too much. He had promised her he would never ever leave her, but having to go away on the most special day of her life made him feel guilty. He wished he could talk to Renée and console her, but he needed to buy or borrow a mobile phone first. He knew now this would take time and he just couldn't leave his mom and go back.

Since he had no money for a return ticket, he would have to find some work for himself. Would Antonio let him work on his farm? He would ask him when he returned.

Afterwards, he got bored and lay down on the bed to rest his tired body, but soon fell asleep because of exhaustion.

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