Chapter Twelve

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The next day, something shifted between Renée and Sawyer after that promise the night before. They couldn't stop staring at one another. They were more acutely aware of each other than ever before. Renée was more shy of his burning gaze constantly focused upon her. In fact, even Rihanna noticed the hungry look in his eyes.

"What's up, Renée? Did you two kiss or something?" she asked, unable to contain herself any longer. Renée gaped at her with a horrified expression on her face.

"No, are you crazy?" she said as two specks of color appeared on her cheeks.

"No wonder!" chuckled Rihanna. Renée gave her older sister a puzzled look.

"What do you mean?" Rihanna chuckled, pinched her cheeks, and just walked away, leaving her wondering just what was going on. Why did Rihanna ask her such a weird question?

"Hey, Ren, Ryan, and I are leaving for our last practice today. We have a big match tomorrow. Are you coming along?" asked Ryder. Renée looked at her pajamas with dismay.

"Like this? In my pajamas? Couldn't you have informed me before? I would have been ready." Ryder looked guilty, and Ryan rushed out of his room and skidded to a halt right in front of her.

"Let's go Ryde. Renée can hitch a ride with Rex, Saw, or her friend Ana." Renée glared at him with her hands on her waist. Sawyer saw his opportunity to get Renée all to himself and he gladly grabbed it before Rex could say a thing.

"Rex's still half asleep. I'll drop you off at college. Go get ready, Ren." Renée blushed at his offer and nodded. Ryder and Ryan raced off towards their truck.

"Breakfast is ready boys," announced Aunt Kathy and then glared at the retreating backs of Ryder and Ryan. "They left already without having breakfast? I hurried because of them," she said with displeasure. Renée's mom, too, came out of the kitchen.

"They'll end up eating junk food at college." Then, looking at Renée and Sawyer, she gestured towards the dining room. "C'mon, you two. Have your breakfast before leaving." Sawyer strode towards the dining table and slumped into a chair. Sawyer's dad started talking to him about the sales figures of last month. He was quite impressed, it seemed, with Rhett and Sawyer's hard work at the stables. The sale of their horses had gone up, and it called for a celebration.

"Why don't we go out to eat tonight?" asked Uncle Keith, who was Rhett's dad.

"That's a brilliant idea," said their granddad.

"Why today, of all days? I have dinner plans and a sleepover at Anastasia's house tonight," protested Renée. Sawyer looked at her with interest. He didn't know that she had such plans.

"You go ahead with your plan. Let us enjoy our way. You could go out for your share of the treat with Rhett, Rex, Rihanna, Sawyer, or anyone later," said her dad with a shrug. Renée nodded, avoiding Sawyer's eyes. She could see the excited sparkle in his eyes without having to look at him.

"Don't worry. I'll treat you later," he shrugged, trying to sound casual, briefly glancing in her direction.

"There, happy now?" asked their granddad with a chuckle. Renée nodded excitedly, but her heart was beating faster thinking about their first outing together. Breakfast was over amidst lots of planning and utter chaos, but Renée was quieter than usual since she wasn't going with them. It seemed Sawyer was also not interested in going and opted to stay back, as one of the horses was expecting to give birth anytime.

"Just call me whenever Ebony gives birth," said Aunt Helena, who was Renée's mom. She was a vet and looked after all the animals at their ranch. Sawyer nodded.

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