Chapter Fifteen

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Ten minutes later, a worried Anastasia came into Renée's room to check out what was taking her so long. To her surprise, Renée just sat dazed on a stool, lost in her own thoughts.

"What happened? I saw Sawyer storming out of your room as if a tornado were chasing him," said Anastasia, standing by her. Renée looked up at her, coming out of her trance after hearing Sawyer's name.

"Nothing much. He took my lipstick away." She shrugged disappointedly.

"Did he kiss you?" Renée blushed and shook her head.

"Almost, but then you know how good he is at controlling himself."

"Hmm, well, do you need a lipstick? I have a burgundy one, a matt finish. It'll drive him insane." Renée nodded, her eyes twinkling with excitement. Anastasia opened her handbag and handed her a burgundy lipstick. It matched her dress perfectly as if made just for her.

She applied it perfectly and pouted her lips to blow a dramatic kiss. Anastasia giggled. "If I would have been a man, I would have married you tonight. You're looking sinfully gorgeous, girl."

"You're no less," said Renée.

"I know. I've already received my first kiss," said Anastasia as Renée closed her ears.

"Please don't tell me the details of my brother and you. It feels weird." Anastasia laughed and pulled her along with her outside the room. "Let's go before they finish the appetizers," she said, pulling her all the way. They reached the venue and saw that most of the guests had already arrived.

"Who are you girls planning to kill with your looks?" asked Rihanna, as they walked together towards the buffet table. Both looked at her innocently.

"No one," they chorused, shyly. Rihanna laughed suspiciously, noting two hungry-looking boys watching their objects of desire from two different corners of the room.

"Enjoy the food then. I've eaten. I'll see to the guests," said Rihanna, walking away towards the group of women laughing away. Her mom, aunt, granny, and all their friends were having the time of their lives together. Rihanna joined them to catch up with the gossip. Renée and Anastasia were on their way towards the drinks area when her mom called her. Sighing, she walked up to their group.

"Yes, Mom," she asked, but before her mom could say a word, one of her friends did.

"Hello, dear Renée! You've grown up so much. Helena, I just love your daughter," said Aunt Chloé, Matt's mom. Renée smiled.

"Hello, Aunt Chloe. How are you?" she asked out of courtesy. Matt saw the opportunity and walked up to them, standing beside her as she spoke to his mom.

"I'm fine dear. Do come home with Ryder sometimes." Renée nodded.

"Sure, I'll send her Chloe. Renée, can you just call someone to refill our drinks?" asked her mom.

"I'll refill your drinks with Renée's help," offered Matt.

"She isn't eighteen yet, Matt. I think I'll help you with the drinks. C'mon," said Rihanna, getting up. Renée smiled at her big sister with relief for saving her from Matt. She didn't want Sawyer to create a scene tonight.

Matt looked disappointed but went with Rihanna. Renée and Anastasia made a narrow escape. "I think she likes you as her future daughter-in-law," said Anastasia as Renée gave her a horrified look.

"No way. Let her keep dreaming. I'm never going to her house."

Rhett was getting the dance floor readied. He wanted a close dance with Adelaide. Ryder helped him eagerly, and it was obvious why. Rex and Ryan sipped strange drinks and devoured the appetizers. Sawyer, strangely, was nowhere to be found. Where could he go?

Renée looked around everywhere but didn't see him. After some time, her parents sat down and everyone gathered around to wish them and shower them with gifts. Dinner was served, and the toasts were made. The food was delicious and everyone ate as much as they could. Although Renée sat far away from Sawyer, she was acutely aware of his gaze pinned perpetually upon her. Sandwiched between Anastasia and Rihanna, she still could feel the goosebumps on her arms, as he didn't once look away from her. The cake was cut and her parents fed one another a piece.

At last, dinner was over, and her parents had the first dance together. Everyone clicked photographs and cheered them. Afterward, they all spilled onto the dance floor, catching hold of someone or the other. Renée danced with her dad and then granddad. Later, she settled into a crazy dance with Anastasia. Suddenly, Matt came up behind her.

"Renée, can I have a dance with you, please?" he asked hopefully, holding his hand out to her. With her whole family around, she didn't want to create a scene. So she just nodded and slipped her hand into his hold as he led her towards the center. Slow music started, and he guided her, twirled her around, and danced with her. Renée was uncomfortable. Her eyes flitted around, searching for Sawyer, but he was nowhere to be found. It was strange. Where did he rush off to all the time?

"Renée, I love you. I'm waiting for you to grow up. I want to marry you. Do you feel anything for me?" asked Matt, looking straight into her eyes. Renée was too stunned to answer. She immediately stopped dancing and extricated herself from his hold.

"No Matt. I can't feel anything for you. I love someone else." Her honest admission left him stunned. She whirled around and ran out of the barn. For her, the party was over. Matt followed her out, calling her name, but she turned a deaf ear to him.

She ran all the way towards the house but was shocked to find Sawyer sitting on the porch, drinking. From where he sat, the dance floor was clearly visible, which only meant that he had clearly seen her and Matt dancing together. He ignored her as she walked past him towards her room. Renée just left him alone. If he didn't wish to talk to her, then she might as well hide in the privacy of her room, far from Matt.

She could hear Sawyer and Matt fighting outside, but she wasn't in the mood to go out and stop them. She was disappointed in Sawyer since she had actually expected him to confess his feelings and propose, but Matt, whom she had least expected, pulled the stunt.

"What's stopping you, Sawyer? Will we ever get to be together like Rhett and Adelaide?" she mumbled to herself as she sat on that same stool as before. With the two crazy boys yelling at one another, she clamped her hands to her ears and sat still with tears in her eyes. She had dressed up for Sawyer. She had dreamed of dancing with him tonight, but most of the time, he was away from the party, watching her from a distance. Why couldn't he have the courage to give their relationship a name? Why couldn't he just give in to his feelings? There were so many questions, to which Renée found no answers.

The fight stopped since she couldn't hear anything more. Picking up a sheet of tissue paper, she wiped off the lipstick from her mouth. Then she took off her earrings. She would just change and go off to bed since the party would continue for a long time, as they usually did. Picking up her pajamas, she was just about to go into the washroom to change when the door opened and Sawyer strode in, looking furious and menacing.

Renée gasped, seeing his torn shirt and the dark fury in his eyes. He closed the door and walked towards her, his eyes pinned upon hers. Renée froze to the spot, not able to make her escape. He stopped inches away from her.

"What the f*ck was that?" he growled out. The clothes fell from Renée's hands as her eyes widened, seeing the wild look in his eyes. She backed away from him, her back hitting the wall behind her.

"I d-don't know w-what you're talking about." He took two steps forward towards her, punching the wall beside her, and making her jump.

"What were you doing with Matt?" he growled in a low voice, his body pinning her to the wall.

"He asked me for a dance," said Renée quietly, breathing in and out to keep herself calm.

"And you were happy to dance with him, right? No wonder you dressed up so much for him," said Sawyer, jealousy overcoming his senses as he taunted her, and threatened her to get the frustration out of his system.

A tear fell from her eye and rolled down her cheek. Renée loved him and only dressed for him. She only wanted to dance with him. She only wanted him. Why couldn't he see that? Why did she have to prove her feelings for him again and again? "I dressed up for you, only you, but you're too blind to see that, Sawyer!" she whispered, her eyes brimming over.

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