Chapter Twenty

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"Sawyer, someone will come inside. I need to go," whispered Renée, hearing footsteps outside his room. Sawyer nodded and released her. She got down from his lap, but before she could go towards the door, Sawyer grabbed her wrist.

"Will you go out on a date with me tomorrow?" he asked her hopefully. Renée's eyes shone with excitement, and she nodded.

"Okay, be ready by evening, 6 o'clock!" Renée smiled at him excitedly. She had been dreaming of going out with him since she was thirteen. Finally, it was happening. They were going out on a date!

"Okay," she whispered, rushing out of his room. She went inside and closed the door of her room and started doing a happy dance. "Yay, he asked me out on a date!"

She didn't get to interact much with Sawyer afterwards, as an Angus breed cattle at the dairy farm was critical and her mom, Sawyer and uncle Keith went over to check. Renée made dinner with aunt Kathy, humming a tune as she gave finishing touches to the new dish that she had learnt from granny Daisy.

"The bolognese has come out perfect, Renée. I can see that you've improved immensely," said aunt Kathy. Rihanna made the pappardelle to go with it while aunt Kathy made cheese and cauliflower breadsticks and a delicious carrot cake for dessert.

"Yeah, she's mastered the art of cooking for her future husband," said Rihanna with a knowing smile. Renée blushed profusely, but glared at her cousin to stop her from giving away more information. Aunt Kathy looked at Renée and Rihanna excitedly.

"Who? Matt?" Rihanna rolled her eyes.

"No, aunt Kathy. Renée hates Matt," said Rihanna, much to aunt Kathy's curiosity.

"I knew it," said aunt Kathy excitedly.

"Umm, Anna, I'm done here. Can we complete my project work, please?" she said, her cheeks flushed with color. The way they were discussing her in her presence was making her wish to throttle Rihanna.

"Sure," said Rihanna. Dinner was cooked and Renée pulled her out of the kitchen, much to aunt Kathy's dismay. She was curious to know more about whom Renée liked. She already had guessed a little, but now she was certain who it was.

"What were you up to, Anna?" asked Renée in a whisper as they entered Rihanna's room. "Did you want to announce to aunt Kathy that I'm dating her son?" Rihanna grinned.

"I was just helping you, girl. Do you think aunt Kathy doesn't know?"

"Oh, she knows?" Rihanna nodded at her.

"Of course she does, and let me tell you, she wants the two of you to be together." Renée was shocked to hear it.

"How do you know? Did aunt Kathy tell you?"

"Not specifically, but whenever aunt Helena plans yours and Matt's wedding with aunt Chloe, she's the first one to object. She always asks them to speak to you first before going ahead. She advised them many times that you might like someone else, so they shouldn't plan anything without your knowledge." This was all news to Renée. So what Sawyer told her that day was true. They were indeed planning her and Matt's wedding.

Renée felt a little angry at her mom. "How can mom plan my wedding without asking me? I'm only seventeen."

"Yeah, granny too scolded her. I think she has stopped at the moment."

Afterwards, they waited for some more time and when Renée's mom, Sawyer, and uncle Keith returned. Everyone sat down to dinner. They discussed what happened at the farm.

"It couldn't be an accident, dad," said Ryan. "First Chestnut was killed and now Clara, our oldest one, was food poisoned. Thankfully, she has no calf to feed at the moment else if anyone consumed her milk, we would have lost our goodwill and customers."

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