Veiled journey

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In his private chambers, Obi-Wan once more found himself confronted with the uncertainty of the situation awaiting him on Mandalore. His thoughts were still running endlessly but now he had the clearance he needed to approach this mission with a levelled head, rather than a clouded mind. A sudden knock on his door cut through his routine and hastily he rushed to welcome his unexpected guest.

As Obi-Wan opened the door, he found himself face to face with Master Luminara Unduli, her serene expression betraying the gravity of her purpose. Behind her stood her Padawan, Barriss Offee, who observed quietly, her gaze piercing yet unreadable.

"Master Unduli, Padawan Offee," Obi-Wan greeted them with a respectful nod, stepping aside to invite them into his chambers. "To what do I owe this unexpected visit?"

Luminara's eyes, wise and discerning, lingered on Obi-Wan's face for a moment before she spoke. "Master Kenobi, may we have a moment of your time? There's something I'd like to discuss with you."

"Of course," Obi-Wan replied, gesturing for them to enter. As they settled into the room, the atmosphere became charged with an unspoken tension, palpable to all present.

Once they were seated, Luminara began, her tone gentle yet probing. "During the council meeting, I sensed a conflict within you, Master Kenobi. Something troubled your thoughts. I couldn't help but wonder what weighs on your mind so heavily."

Obi-Wan's brow furrowed slightly, acknowledging the astuteness of his fellow Jedi. "Indeed, Master Unduli, there are uncertainties that plague me," he admitted, choosing his words carefully. "My upcoming mission to Mandalore poses challenges that I find difficult to reconcile."

Barriss observed quietly, her keen eyes flickering between her Master and Obi-Wan, sensing the weight of their conversation. She remained silent, allowing her Master to guide the discussion.

Luminara nodded, her expression sympathetic yet firm. "Mandalore is a tumultuous place, especially in these times of political upheaval. Your concerns are valid, Master Kenobi. But remember, as Jedi, we must trust in the Force to guide us through the darkest of paths."

Obi-Wan nodded in agreement, grateful for Luminara's wisdom. "You're right, Master Unduli."

As he spoke, Obi-Wan subtly glanced towards the door, his mind racing for an excuse to gently usher Master Unduli out of his chambers. He needed time alone to sort through his conflicting emotions without prying eyes or probing questions.

"Master Unduli, I appreciate your guidance," he continued, his tone earnest. "However, if you'll excuse me, I believe it's time for me to prepare for my mission to Mandalore. There are matters I must attend to before departure."

Luminara regarded him with a knowing look, her intuition picking up on his underlying unease. "Of course, Master Kenobi," she said with a nod, though her eyes betrayed her suspicion. "If you require any assistance or counsel, do not hesitate to seek me out."

"Thank you, Master Unduli," Obi-Wan replied with a grateful smile, rising from his seat and subtly gesturing towards the door. "I will keep that in mind."

As Master Unduli and Barriss stood to leave, Obi-Wan couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for diverting their attention. Yet, he knew that he needed this time alone to confront his inner turmoil and find clarity amidst the chaos of his emotions.

Once Master Unduli and Barriss had departed, Obi-Wan sank back into meditation, seeking solace in the familiar embrace of the Force. Yet, try as he might, he found no respite from the swirling tempest of doubt and apprehension that plagued his mind.

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