Furious Factory

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"Commander Havok, prepare the troops. We will be running into some heavy defences."

"At once, Lord (S/N)."

You walk towards a crowd of your soldiers, among them were also Commander Havok and Vice Commander Itus.

"This will be the first real test for our military strength." you tell them and activate the holotable in front of you, "This is our target. This factory can produce enough troops in five hours to outnumber us twofold, so we need to act quickly now. The juggernauts will transport our troops behind the heavy tanks. The artillery cannons will take some time to get to the aimed position, but will each be escorted by one juggernaut and one MZ-8. When we reach our positions, we will build something like a fortress out of our turbo tanks. Each position will consist of three juggernauts displayed in the form of a U. When arranged correctly the positions will form a pyramid in the end, in the back rank of that pyramid will be the heavy artillery and before them the MZ-8s. They are then shielded by the juggernauts which escorted them. Our first goal is to mount our position before moving on to conquer the factory itself. Any questions?"

"What about the wounded?" another Vice Commander asks.

"Speeders within every turbo tank are equipped with stretchers to transport the wounded back to the transporters. Doctor Havok and other medical officers are waiting on the corvettes in space, out of reach for the CIS. Every unit also has its own medic, to give the wounded first aid. The SGS will be on standby and waiting on the ground." you answer.

"Where will you be fighting, Lord (S/N)?" Vice Commander Itus asks, earning a bunch of angered looks from the others.

"I will of course be the one on the peak of the pyramid. If anyone is willing to come with me, they are more than welcome to join, otherwise I will assign a unit." you reply looking around your soldiers.

Their gazes wander to the ground for a second before Commander Havok steps up.

"I volunteer, Lord (S/N)." he says with inspiring confidence.

"Commander Havok, your dedication and bravery are commendable. I gladly accept your offer to stand by my side," you respond, your voice projecting authority and determination.

You turn your attention back to the assembled troops, feeling the weight of the impending battle pressing upon you. The gravity of the situation demands a rousing speech to uplift their spirits and prepare them for the fierce fight that lies ahead.

"Soldiers of Nathema!" you begin, your voice resonating through the air, commanding attention. "Today, we face a formidable challenge. This factory before us is a bastion of the enemy, churning out forces that threaten our home and families. But we are not ordinary fighters."

The soldiers stand straighter, their expressions turning resolute as they listen to your words.

"Within these walls lies a heart of the enemy's war machine," you continue, your voice growing in intensity. "They believe it to be impenetrable, invincible. But let me tell you this: we possess a strength they cannot fathom. It is the power of unity, the unwavering spirit that flows through each and every one of us. Today, we will prove that their arrogance is their greatest weakness!"

The soldiers cheer, their voices blending into a unified roar that echoes through the air. You raise your hand, silencing them as you continue.

"Soldiers of this fierce army," you conclude, your voice filled with unwavering confidence.

The soldiers stand tall, their eyes filled with determination and camaraderie.

"Today, we shall show the Separatists the true power of Nathema. We shall overcome all obstacles, crush the enemy beneath our boots, and emerge victorious. For our home, for our fallen comrades, for the future of those who follow us, let us march forward!"

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