chapter 8.

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These past weeks have been stressful in an ungodly way. It seems like everything is going in 0.5 speed.

To be honest, my anxiety levels are going up each day. It's rather a big change. Two weeks ago, I was driving Rose to her friends house, while I'd talk to her friend's mom, aka, my best friend. Now, I discovered she's mostly a horrible person, and we've not been meeting with each other since then.

I'm sitting on the couch, watching a Disney movie with Rose, Colin, and Cosmo. It's warm under the blankets we're at, but I still feel my hands cold as I keep checking on my phone with one hand, and with my free hand, I stroke Rose's small hand, keeping her warmer than I am.

I should just give it up on my phone for today. Nobody but my manager texted me anything for the whole day. I place my phone on my lap, letting a frustrated sigh out.

I watch as Colin gives me a worried look. Ok, I get why he's worried. I've been thinking about this for quite a long time now, but I need to make sure everything is going alright. I smile at him in reassurance.

"Anything?" He asks me with a low voice

"No. Not really, " I inform him. Even though he tries to hide, I can tell he's a little anxious about it, too.

We turn out heads to the tv again, where Moana plays, while the big crab or something is singing. I let out a laugh and hugged the children on each of my sides.

I got distracted by the movie, and apparently, didn't pay attention to something that Colin had his on.

"Honey? Are you gonna take this?" He asks me. I look at him confused until I take my eyesight down to my lap, where my phone rests. The screen is on, showing a phone call.
My eyes go wide in realization. I excuse myself from the living room and head to the kitchen.

One of the calls I've been expecting.
April ( Nurse)
It reads on the screen.


It's official. I feel like shit. My whole body is tired, and I just want to lay on my bed for the whole day lately. Nobody is talking clearly to me. Not Anna, not Luka, neither Julia. I feel left out from my own life. Is that even possible?

I groan as I hear my alarm going off. School kinda sucks lately, too. But, on the other hand, I have my phone back, so it's the best thing happening this week. I take the thin but comfy blanket out from my body and put my slippers on, heading to the bathroom so I get at least decent of looking in the mirror.

Why is this city so cold? I feel like crying, although I feel really stupid for it, too.

I changed into some oversized grey jeans and a random hoodie, oversized, obviously.
What can you do about it? Nothing. It's my style, people.

I mumble some music, Killer Queen, by Queen, to be specific, while I try to fix my hair. It's wavy and so damn hard to fix it every morning. My beautiful or not singing session is finished by a knock on my door.

"Be quiet. It's 7 fucking am." I can tell it is Luka. He usually just tells me good morning in his normal tired ass self and leave, and sometimes buy some coffee or asks something, but lately the house has been weird. Every time that he has the chance to call me names, he does. Anna is never home as always. Although Julia is coming over more. At first, I thought it was for me to give her a heads up on how I am, but I managed to find out she's been here because of Luka or something he did.

I shut my mouth and head back to my bedroom. God, can't I just sit here and stare at the floor?

I feel my phone vibrating on my side table, so I pick it up. It's April! How could I forget about it. I guess she's the one who put the phone number on my bag. She's been really nice to me, even though I feel bad for wasting her time.

"Hi, girly. How 'ya doing?" She says as I pick up.

"I'm fine. Just a little sleepy, still." I answer her in a yawn, noticing her giggle on the other side. "Hey, don't laugh at my disgrace, please." I joke " But how r u doing?"

"I'm good, thanks for asking. I was wondering. How about we meet at the hospital cafeteria, and you tell me how you're really doing?" She asks me. Damn It, she knows I'm lying. I guess that's what a nurse do.

I shut my mouth for a couple of seconds. Thinking about the offer. "Laney?" I hear her, probably thinking I hung up.

"I'm here. Uhm, okay. Won't it bother you, though?" I ask her, with a low voice.

"Of course not. I'm inviting you. It's for real."
She tells me. I'm still not convinced, though, but I decided to just accept. I don't have anything to do today.

"Okay. We'll do it, then, " I grin, trying to seem convinceble


April just called me, making me nerves go 5 to 10.

"Miss Johansson? I just called Laney." My heart ached at the name, waiting for the next information

"Oh, yes, and?" I stumble my words

"I'm meeting her at the hospital this afternoon. To get to know how her life has been lately." She lets a sigh. "And I think she doesn't know what happened yet. You know, the reason she was hospitalized." She explains

"Can I- uhm, go with you? I could help you explain it. I mean, I know that she probably doesn't really remember who I am. She just met me when she was in a bad condition, but I-" I try to find the right words

"It's okay, Scarlett. You're the one doing it everything for her." I can tell she's smiling through the phone, and it makes me grin big " We'll be there at 2 pm. I'll wait for you"

That's it. Hopefully, this will make me feel better. If I know she's been treated right for now, it gives me time to proceed with the legal process with caution.

I return to the living room, where Moana is still playing.

"What it it, honey? That smile on your face, " Colin tells me, giggling

"It's working out." I tell him as I peck his lips, hearing Rose fake vomiting and smile at us as we go ahead and start tickleling her.
My baby's laugh is so contagious and happy. That makes me think. How would it be the talk with the teenager later on. Could she laugh with me like Rose does soon. I feel butterflies in my stomach in excitement.

Sorry for the long time not posting. I hope you like this chapter.
Which reminds me. I was planning on this book be more dramatic than funny and fluffy. Although, I'd like to hear your opinion, too.

Would you like more drama or fluffyness?

Anyways, that's it. Byee. Next chapter will  be here soon.