chapter 7.

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-I'm afraid that this will be a little more complicated, ma'am - the lawyer in front of me spoke- You see, there's a whole process within it. It would take months.

- Well, I'm paying you to figure this out, so work on it. - I say, starting to get stressed. He nods, reluctant, I can tell.

As soon as we shake our hands, making a deal,  I leave his office, heading to my car, where Colin's sat down at the driver's seat.

- So, how did it go?- I look at his questioning face.

- I mean, he said it would take some time. There's too many law processes to work on. - I let a frustrated sigh escape from my lips.

- I'm sorry to hear that. - he places his hand on my sholder in a reassuring way. I smile slightly for him- What will you do then?

I think for a couple of seconds. I know what I'll do. I'll wait. It's the right thing to do.

- We'll wait. It's gonna work out. I know it will.- I say, although a small part of me is not that sure. My husband smiles widely at me.

- I love you, Scar. You're amazing. - He pecks my lips sweetly, and as he gets away from the kiss, I steal another one. - You really like this child, don't you?

I nod my head. The kid barely knows, but even if I'm not directly connected to her saving, I want to make her live a better life, even if that means I have to step away a bit to make it all work. I can't help but spiraling. Is that the right decision to make?

POV Laney Reaves

I'm getting discharged today. Although, I'm not sure why I'm here. Nobody seems to wanna tell me. It's nerve-wracking. Julia is by my side for the most part of the time, and she seems to freak out every time a doctor comes to check on me. I'm trying to convince myself that it is because she's worried about me, but I don't really believe in it.

- You ready? Just get your usual clothes on, and I'll take you back home.- Miss Harris says while typing on her phone, which makes my theory even more not reliable.

She passed me my usual sweatpants and hoodie so I could change into them. She leaves me so I can have more privacy. My whole body still hurts, and being on my period  so surely that adds up.

As soon as I finish putting my clothes on I hear a knock on the door, so I mumble to whoever is there to come in.

- Laney. How are you feeling today?- one of my nurses come in. She looks nervous, though.

- I'm feeling fine, thanks. You alright?- I ask her, sitting on my bed.

- Yeah, do you feel anything different? Like any pain?

I draw my brows together. Didn't I just get discharged?

- I feel as normal as possible. Although, I'm on my period, so it kinda sucks.- I answer her

She smiles at me. What the heck? I'm not understanding a thing. I just told her I'm on my period and she smiles. Gosh, I need some sleep in my own bed and some time to cry under my shower's boiling water.

She accompanied me to the reception, where I found my social worker and Anna, my foster mom.

- Hi, Laney, who were talking to?- Julia pulls me to her side.

- Just with my nurse, April. Why?- I answer her, not understanding where she wants to get.

- Nothing. We should get going.

We head to the car. We all seem really uncomfortable and it is making me want to jump off if this car while it's still in movement.

-Here we go. See you on Tuesday?- She tells me and I nod. It is usually the day I have to go back to the hospital for a check up.

- C'mon, sweetie.- Anna hugs my shoulder, leading me inside.

The house is quiet. Nothing much different from when I left.

- Laney. I was worried about you. What do you have?- Luka jumps from the stairs, make me flinch with the reaction. I'm not sure why.

I share a look with Anna.

- I-I'm actually not sure...But my blood pressure was really low, and my head was hurting, so...- I ramble. It's really ridiculous that I have no idea what I have. I mean, it's not really my fault people keep changing the subject every time I ask. But it still feels like the blame it's on me. And it makes me feel like shit.

- That's not really important, is it? The important thing is that you're okay now. - Anna laughs in a weird high pitched voice

We awkwardly nod, as everyone makes their ways to whatever they want to do. In my case, my bathroom look like a great option.

I take my clothes off after turning the hot water on, watching as the warm steam fills the room. It feels awesome. I breath in, letting the hot air in my lungs. I step on the shower, knowing the water will burn my back, but I'm fine with it. I'm not sure if I like the feeling of it, but it surely makes me feel better after all of that. But you wouldn't understand it, would you? Not even I do.

I step out of the shower, feeling my whole back burning. I rub the hand through the mirror, giving it space to show my figure filled with red burning marks. Starting to get my clothes fast so the heat doesn't leave my body, a see something falling of my hoodie's pocket as I put it on. I kneel to the floor, trying to read what's written on it. I don't really remember much after I got into the buildings to protect me from the rain, so this paper could be old.

I force my eyes to read it, since I feel tired enough to make my vision a little blurry. It's a bunch of numbers, I guess. Phone numbers, obviously. Gosh, people like giving me phone numbers written on paper. I finish getting dressed and head to my bedroom. I can't really be on my phone, for obvious reason. I cuss myself for letting it fall that day. It would have made things easier.

I sit on my bed, wondering what to do. Since it is raining I can't go outside, making it harder to find something to do. My eyes find my bag on the side of my bed. Weird, I didn't bring it here. Anna or Julia probably did.

My solution for boredom is doing some school work. Not the greatest idea, but it's what we have for now. My hand wander inside the backpack, finding my text and notebooks. I pull up all the materials I'll need, but instead, something more it's pulled by it. I stare at the objects on the floor. How in the world is my phone in here? I thought it was still broken and with Julia.

I pick the device up. The heck, this isn't my phone. I could be more confused. But, as my own  dealing way tells me to back out in all of this thought until I find a plausible solution, it is what I do.

Phone numbers. And a random phone.

It's what I black out thinking of.

Word count: 1239

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