chapter 6.

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They give me an apologetic look. By that, I can already guess what is happening here.

- Laney Reaves was raped.- The doctor says, handing the medical record

My expression makes its way to shock, then I can feel it fading into a rather dark one. Who the fuck could do this to a innocent child. I swear on every bit of me; I'll make sure this man gets the punishment he deserves. I'll make sure this sweet girl is safe

 I'll make sure this sweet girl is safe

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Pov Laney Reaves

Everything hurts a lot. Every single inch of my body is in pain, making me want to stay still and rest forever. The noises around me are different. They're constant and kind of annoying, to be honest.

I try my best to move a bit or even open my eyes. They're still heavy and tired. The lights around me hurts my eyes, but not enough to make me get distracted from all the other pain I'm suffering at me moment. It's actually a little better than it was earlier today.

My eyes are still getting used to it, but I'm pretty sure, from my previous experiences, it's a hospital. The strong smell of medicine and once in a while a crying sound. But what's bothering me is: How in the Earth did I get here? I mean, I know I was in an indescribable pain earlier, but there was nobody there. Was it an accident like in Times Square? Wait, what if...

The constant beeping sounds at my side are startling me, even scaring me. I shouldn't feel like this, should I? I don't even know anymore. My ears are muffled and I can only hear the sound of that. The horrible sound of that stupid thing that took my mom's life away. That took her away from me.

I'm not sure what happened here, but now there's around 4 people in the room, all of them around me.

- One mg of lorazepam.- I hear from what looks far away.

My head instantly feels heavy, falling back at the unconfortable harsh hospital pillow. I feel my chest going up and down slower, even though I didn't know it was going fast.

- Hey, it's okay. Everything is gonna be okay, sweetie.- I hear a different voice, but this time I remember the voice. It's the same conforting voice that was telling me the same thing earlier.

I felt a uncertain touch in my hand. As much as it felt scary, it felt really nice. This person's hand was warm and welcoming. It felt even better with my mind trying to make me relax again.

Pov Scarlett

Poor kid. She's so scared. Who wouldn't, actually.

She's asleep again now because of the medication the doctors had to introduce her in. I hear a noise, so I look back at the door. It's Julia.

- Thanks for the help, Scarlett. It's a really complicated situation. - she speaks, getting closer to me

-It's alright.- My voice comes out weak - do they already know who did this to her?- I ask, wanting to know how to protect her as soon as possible

Julia sighs. She knows it.

- It probably was her foster brother. He's on the system, too. - She uncertainty speaks

- How could someone do something like this? It simply can't get into my head. I-

As I'm finishing my complaint, the doctor comes in.

-Ms. Reaves should wake up in a few minutes. Is there anyone who you two think might have done this to her? We already told the police, it's under investigation.

I turn to Julia, waiting for her to say it. Thank God, this bastard is getting what he deserves.

- No, not really. - That earns her a shocked look from me. How could she? What in the world is happening?

The doctor appears to notice, leaving me and my friend in the room, all alone.

- What the heck? Why didn't you just tell him who did this? - I whisper shout to her

Julia takes a deep breath before starting to answer my question.

- Look, I know it's wrong, but her foster brother is under my care too. I'm his social worker. If anyone discovers it, it'll be a long process. Plus, putting him in jail won't change anything that happen. I'm sorry, Scarlett.

My mouth forms a perfect 'O' shape. I have thousands of thoughts going through my head. I thought this person in front of me was one of the few good ones in the world. I'm wrong, apparently. I turn my head to the unconscious girl in the bed, then look at Julia again. I sarcastically laugh.

- Is it Julia? Really? - I'm not even recognizing my voice anymore - You can take that apology of your and tell the whole court.

A noise make us turn our heads in the opposite direction, right before I can't help but letting my hand fly into Julia's face. Lucky her, it didn't happen.

It's the kid. She looks at us confused, but a little calmer now.

- Hey, Laney. How are you feeling?- Julia says, bringing her hands to the girl's.

Laney tries to smile, but she's still sleepy because of the meds. The doctors instantly break in the room, so they can check in her better now. That's my cue.

Before my friend can say anything, I walk out, heading outside. As I head, my fingers quickly type the police's number.

- Hi, I actually have some information about Laney Reaves' case. - I say as soon as the police officer picks up

That's is more like a filler chapter. Sorry if it is bad or repetitive. I promise the next one will be better :)

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