chapter 5.

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TW: mention of rape; cussing.

Scarlett POV

It's pretty late in the night, and I'm still in the hospital's waiting room. There's not many people here, but each thing here that moves makes me tense up a bit.

I tried to call Julia, remembering that she's this girl's social worker, but she's not answering me, so I sent her a message. I wonder if she's looking for her too, since her foster family was probably waiting for her, but she never showed up.

My fingers fidget on every single app on my phone because of the tension of the moment. I try to think straight about what's going on.

I was in the ambulance with this girl, Laney; the doctors wouldn't tell me a thing, which is making me worried- she looks like a good kid; Finnaly, I decided to let Colin know that I'm not getting home in, at least, a couple of hours. I feel bad for not having my time with my kids, although I'm really worried about the other kid, that one kid that just passed and bled out in the new The Outset building.

As I'm rapidly scrolling through some random pictures to spend my  free time, I get a call from Colin, letting go of a sigh of relief.

- Hi, Colin. - I say as I pick up the phone- You know, I'm really sorry I couldn't make it home today. I wanted to spend time with you and the kids so bad, but this kid came out hurten, and I felt like I had to help her, and...- I started talking it all out before Colin interrupted me

- Hey Scar, calm down. I understand- he says in a sigh, making me wonder if he isn't quite annoyed at it but doesn't want me to know it- I really do. And I hope this kid gets better... you're doing a good thing. - even though we're not on face time, I know he's smiling lightly - Now I'll go check on the kids. They love you. So do I.- He finishes in his own sweet way, making me smile and even forget a little about the current situation.

Suddenly, Julia scurried through the hospital's doors, staring at me.

- Scarlett? What the heck is happening here?- She speaks in a hurried voice

- Listen, it may be quite confusing, but I found Laney when she was looking for a place to protect her from the storm earlier, but then, before I could speak to her properly, she just crumbled in pain and passed out. I had to call 911.- I try to sound less worried and overwhelmed than I actually am.

- Uhm, okay...- I watch her as she tries to process what I just said. - I'll call her foster Mom and see what I can do about it...- Julia says while quickly picking up her phone from her pocket

"Laney Reaves"

I hear someone calling. Julia and I instantly move our heads to the persons direction. It's a doctor. Harris shares a 'what do we do' stare with me.

- She'll go.- Julia says fast - I have to call her foster. Please, it's fine.- she whispers to me, leaving me there, not knowing exactly what to do.

She pushes me forward as she puts her phone close to her ear. I awkwardly walk to the doctor, following him deeper inside the hospital.

He takes me to a trauma room, where I find the teenage girl lying down on the hospital bed, still unconscious. She's hooked to a bunch of wires and an oxygen catheter in her nose. They changed her original clothes to a hospital gown from the pediatric wing, which makes her look so vulnerable. I wish I could just take her out of here and give her a tight hug.

- She'll probably wake up within a few minutes. - One of the nurses tells me and soon leaves the room - The doctors want to talk to you while she's not awake. They're on their ways to here.- she gives me a sympathetic smile

I stare at the girl in front of me, still wondering why the doctors would have wanted to talk to me. Maybe because I was the person who brought her up. In this case, they're probably looking for more details.

- Hello. You're the one who brought Miss Reaves in, right?- the female doctor, Dr. Drew addressed me

- Uhm, yes. Would you like more details or something like that?- I ask, still not convinced enough by the whole environment. The doctors nod their heads

- Ms. Johansson, did you ever meet this girl before today?- the male doctor asked me, and I got confused. Why would this help in any way?

- Y-yea, we've met before. It was nothing but a few minutes. And I just discovered my friend is her social worker.- I tell them, trying to figure it all out

- So you're aware of Miss Reaves' situation?

Her situation? What the heck is this man trying to find out?

- I only know that she lives in a foster home, and that's it. Why do you ask?- I draw my brows together

- In this case, you're not aware of who lives with her or who might have done this to her?- the doctor asks me again. I'm starting to think that they think I'm hiding something, when, actually, I'm confused as hell. Although, there's something that is worrying me more right now. And, if I'm connecting the dots right, it must not be good at all.

- What you mean 'might have done this to her'? - I speak, my voice coming out in a lower tone

They give me an apologetic look. By that, I can already guess what is happening here.

- Laney Reaves was raped.- The doctor says, handing the medical record

My expression makes its way to shock, then I can feel it fading into a rather dark one. Who the fuck could do this to a innocent child. I swear on every bit of me; I'll make sure this man gets the punishment he deserves. I'll take sure this sweet girl is safe.


That's it for today's chapter. It was mostly about showing how Scar feels about Laney.

I'm sorry for those who might be affected by this type of content.

I'm kinda excited by this story, even though not many people are voting or anything like this. But I hope ya'll are liking it! Hope seeing you next chapter. Bye!

Ps: If you find anything that you don't understand about the story or if something is wrong about my writing or spelling, please tell me.