chapter 2.

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A/n: Hey! Today, we'll be having a Scarlett Pov! The chapter is kinda long, sorry.
But I hope you like it! I have some ideas about what will happen next, and I would be really happy if you interact a little... maybe just vote, or if you feel comfortable enough, comments will be gladly accepted.
Btw, Laney is around 16 or 17 years old.
One more thing: do you prefer the line with a '-' or just with these "..."?
That's it!

TW: mention of self-harm,


Today, unfortunately, I had to get to the hospital early in the morning. Rose wasn't feeling well, so I decided it should be better to bring her in, even though I'm really tired from work.

Now, we're waiting for the pediatrician. Apparently, there are not many ones in this hospital. Mental note: Don't bring the kids into this hospital anymore.

- Why don't you go get some coffee, huh? There's a small cafeteria here at the hospital. - Colin says, probably noticing how tired I am - Don't worry. I'll take care of Rose.- He smiles at me.

I am incredibly tired, so I decided to take in the opportunity and go grab some coffee, even though I'm worried about Rose. I wish I could take all her pain away.

The cafeteria is not huge, but comfortable enough for the people who need a humor lift or just a break from the hospital's heavy atmosphere.

I get in the line. There aren't lots of people, so I take my order really fast. Just a strong coffee.

I turn to head back to Rose's room, but someone is right at my back, which kinda scared me, mostly with the thought of being a crazy fan or a paparazzi. Gladly, it is none. Just a teenage girl, I guess. She has an oversized hoodie on, along with sweatpants, which weirdly smells funny. Like smoke or something, mixing with the medicine smell on the hospital it is really noticeable, I wonder what it is.


- Laney. We'll be taking you up soon. Dr. Manning wants to check up on you -  Maggie, my usual nurse, warns me. I nod my head and sink my head on the gurney's pillow

-It'll all be over soon. Don't worry.- I hear a voice coming from the chair on my side

The truth is that since...that, I've been going on and off the hospital. Apparently, after a gunshot goes through you, a whole process it is needed, mostly because of the fact that I am under the care of the government, so they don't want to have all the important stuff and paperwork on their behalf if there's any problem or even if I die, so they prefer just send me to the hospital once in a couple of weeks.

I've been under the care of the Foster System for one year by now. It doesn't suck that much, I guess. I've been here before, so I know how this works.

I'm actually lying. That's what Miss Harris, my social worker, tells me. If it didn't sucked, why would I have these stupid scars over my stupid wrist. Would I have these stupid crying marks all over my face if it didn't sucked that much? I guess that's right. But I'm much better now.

Today, we had only some scans and blood tests to do, so it was fast.

- Why don't you go grab something to eat at the cafeteria? I know you're not really a fan of here, but some coffee should make you feel better.- Miss Harris says, handing me some money

Well, I don't really like bere, she's right, but, at least I can tell she actually pays attention in what I speak, unlikely most people. I decided I should just go for it. I have homework to do after that, and, to be honest, I don't really wanna do it, so I'll take this as my excuse.