spring broken part 1

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A/n: new chapter and this is going to be a two part enjoy.

At the vees studio

Velvette was listening on the conversation that imp was having through a mic she put in through blitzos van to get the location y/n was going to be.

In the Imp van. 

Blitzo driving recklessly as Y/n was holding on to his dear life since he knows how bad His driving is. Loona was just annoyed by this. what was even worst Blitzo's singing as Y/n just wanted to rip out the radio just so it can be quiet. Y/n then noticed a pink car was about to crash into them.

Y/n: Blitz!

Blitz: What, Oh shit!

Blitzo swerve out of the way as the pink car took their parking spot, Y/n landed on Loona's head first he looked up at her with a smile. while blitzo wasn't too happy about his parking spot being taken. Sticks out of the window to start shouting at it. Loona put her hand on his head rubbing it.

Loona: feeling comfortable?

Y/n: Yeah, the next time I'm walking .

Loona: Same.

Y/n then notice he was laying on her lap, chuckles.

Y/n: At least I landed on something soft.

Loona madly blushed.

Loona: Y/n!

Y/n: what it was a compliment.

Loona shakes her head as Y/n reaches up to her lips giving them a kiss she returns it as they looked at each other in the eyes. But they snap out of it, When Blitzo said.

Blitz: Oh, shit! Verosika!

Stunned Y/n poked his head out to see it was actually Verosika Mayday, So was Loona as she looked out the window, as Blitzo then got out of the van confronting to have a talk with his Ex. Y/n then noticed a familiar Hellhound that he knew when he was a kid. He then notice Loona shocked that her adopted dad knew Verosika.

 He then notice Loona shocked that her adopted dad knew Verosika

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Loona: NO fuck way.

Y/n: Did you know, Blitzo knew Verosika?

Loona glances down at him.

Loona: No, or the fact he never really told me about his past other then adopted but deep down i Can tell, he's still hurting.

Y/n then notice the hellhound walking up to behind Blitzo. Y/n smirked got out of he van making Loona confused while Millie and Moxxie already knew what was going on. since they met That hellhound when he was a teenager and Y/n was 9 during the whole Velvette situation . Once Y/n got close to the hellhound, He heard the hellhound threatening Blitzo.

only human in Hell  (human male reader x Loona) +18Where stories live. Discover now