7.2 Knightly Visions

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"I can do this all day," Skylar grinned as she sparred with Azer. They weren't allowed to use weapons and Skylar wasn't allowed to use any magic. 

"Can you?" Azer flips her over. 

Skylar grunts, quickly rolling over and kicking up again. 

Azer jumps on her back, quickly giving Skylar the opportunity to back up and start throwing her back against the wall—bashing Azer into it. 

Soon, the coach blows a whistle. "Skylar wins! You two, take a break." 

Azer and Skylar high five, Skylar taking the water. "What was that? I can't hear you over the sound of my victory." 

Azer dumps his water on Skylar who grabs a towel from my duffel bag and dries her face off with it—not impressed. 

Skylar glared at him before heading to Brandon's room, she was helping Brandon arrange a new bouquet for Stella as he worked out. 

Skylar trims the thorns of some roses, using her magic to dry her face and hair. 

Sky sighs as he sits on his bed, staring at his phone. 

"She said she didn't wanna talk to you huh?" Brandon lifts weights. "Let her stew and then—" Brandon puts his weights away, not finishing his thought. 

An automated voice message plays. "Bloom can't come to the phone right now, you may leave a message after the tone—but not if it's you, Sky

Skylar laughs at him, tying ribbons around flowers. 

Sky groans, throwing his phone down. "Magic makes automated messaging so frustrating sometimes." He walks out onto the balcony. 

"Bloom only talks to me when she needs something." Sky grumbles, looking out the balcony. 

"Do not talk about her like that," Skylar hisses, walking out onto the balcony with Brandon, handing him the bouquet. "She might not be perfect but she's worlds better than you." 

Sky turns around and narrows his eyes at her. "Girls can be so selfish sometimes." He sneers. 

"Selfish?" Skylar repeats shocked. 

"You guys are so selfish." Sky reiterates. 

But Skylar and Brandon aren't looking at him anymore, instead staring behind him. "Uh—Sky?" Brandon attempts to divert his attention. 

Sky is too busy on his rant. "If you two think you can push me around—" 

"Sky!" Brandon tries again, clapping. "Sky! Look out!" 

"Huh?" Sky turns around finally. 

A dark orb of spells darts around indirectly—sparking several points of the school with beams. 

Skylar covers her head as Sky falls to the ground, a spark going off near them. 

"Codatorta! Mayday, we're under attack!" Sky reports. 

Three of the Winx make their walk over to Red Fountain. Bloom feels really bad about the whole situation with the Sky's, Tecna and Flora coming along for support. 

"I'm sure all you guys need is some face to face contact!" Tecna reassures. 

"If Skylar hasn't murdered Sky yet," Bloom grumbles. 

Suddenly, loud shockwaves emit from Red Fountain as they too, see the giant orb attacking the school. 

Flora gasps. "The Trix are behind this, I just know it!" 

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