Two: Annual Gala

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"Good Morning Everyone!" Professor Wizgiz greeted. "As usual, it befalls me to kick off the school year, now for those of you who haven't met me yet, I am Professor  WizGiz, the teacher of metamorphosis" the professor hopped on his desk "Or as I prefer to call it, the art of changing-"

He stretched out his face. "The way ya look!" Suddenly, he was Griselda and his voice was switching from his to hers. The class started gawking and clapping. 

"Oh but thats not it!" Professor Wizgiz exclaimed in his voice, expelling from Griselda's body. "By years end, youll do better than that!" He transformed back into himself.  He jumped off of his desk and onto Skylar's. Skylar was taken by surprise. 

"Since every ending must have a beginning," yellow sparks starting emitting themselves from his fingertip. "Let us start with a simple exercise." Mirrors slowly popped out of their desks. Stella immediately reached for hers and started fixing her hair. 

"Concentrate." Professor Wizgiz encouraged. "Look in the mirror, look at yourself, and think about changing the color of your hair." 

Skylar picked up her mirror. The first color she thought of was blue. She pictured her hair slowly turning a rich shade of blue. She opened her eyes and... only the tips of her hair had changed to blue. Its still something i guess. She thought she tried getting rid of the blue and it didnt work. 

"Its alright Bloom." Professor Wizgiz addressed. "If at first you don't succeed, try and try again." 

We all went back to our dorms. I grabbed a mirror and tried to get the blue out of my hair while Bloom was trying to get color in her hair. Stella was coaching and Flora was tending to her plants. 

"Where I come from, we have no such sayings and we're all much happier." Stella responded. Skylar still couldnt get the blue out of her hair. Bloom begged for Stella to help and Stella obliged. 

After another failed attempt, Bloom ended up with her bangs floating. 

"At least something happened!" Flora said while Stella was laughing. "Thats progress!" 

"Look at me! Im ridiculous!" Bloom said in defeat, playing with her floating bangs. 

"Its fine Bloom, I'm right where you are, I only got my dead ends to turn blue and now I cant get them back to normal!" Skylar exclaimed, tugging on the ends of her hair. 

Bloom looks around a bit before debating what she would say next. "Girls can I ask you something?" They all nodded. "Why are you here at Alfea" 

Skylar tried coming up with an answer that was vague while Stella went on about how she wants to be amazing, famous  and help people such as her parents. 

"Thats me aswell" Flora admitted. "But I'm here primarily because I really love to learn-" Flora was cut off by Stella throwing a pillow at Flora's head. 

"Thats such a nerdy answer! Skylar?" Stella said, taking back the pillow. 

"I'm here because I want an education— Stella don't throw that pillow at me and because I want to help people to the best of my abilities." Skylar said, she didnt specify who she specifically wanted to help. "And you Bloom?" Skylar asked. 

"Thats the problem!" Bloom got up from her bed and walked towards the window. "I have no idea what I'm doing here!" 

✨Undisclosed amount of time later✨

Skylar took a sip of her juice. "I'm not sure where Flora and Bloom are, I woke Bloom up twice before leaving and Flora was awake before I was." 

Just then Flora and Bloom entered the dining hall, tiptoed to the table. Techna rolled her eyes at this attempt to be sneaky. 

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