Four: Day of the Rose

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"Bloom!"   "Bloom!"  Flora called. Skylar woke up and rubbed her eyes.

"What do I have to remember?" Bloom asked. 

""That today is a holiday! That's no reason to stay in bed all day" Flora replied. "Good morning Skylar!" 

"Morning Flora." Skylar got up and made her bed. 

"Hi Flora." Bloom greeted. 

"You were talking in your sleep!" Flora confronted. "What was is you absolutely had to remember?" 

"I don't know." Bloom answered honestly. "It was such a weird dream . Where are you going?" She asked. 

"I'm going home! Today is the day of the rose! It's a special day for Magix, no classes!" Flora informed. 

Techna had explained what the day of the rose was to Bloom and Skylar got dressed and brushed her teeth and by the time Bloom told them that she wasn't going, Skylar was brushing her hair. 

"Well then. You'll keep us company!" Stella and Musa appeared from their dorms. "Skylar have you decided whether you're staying or not?" 

"I would be going but there isn't a bus today so I guess I'm staying!" 

 ✨Undisclosed Amount of Time Later✨

"There's only Griselda left. All the teachers have cleared right out-" Stella was interrupted by Professor Wiz-Giz. 

"Professor Wiz-Giz! You're going too?" Skylar asked. 

"And why not?" Came her answer. "Cant I have a mother? Cheerio!" 

"And you? Why aren't you going home?" Stella asked. 

"I prefer to stay here." Bloom admitted. "If I see my parents for even just a day, I'll become even more homesick! Okay, and why are you guys staying here?" 

"I don't celebrate the day of the rose..." Stella said, stirring her tea. "I've never told you guys but my mom and dad are splitting up. Yup, the King and Queen of Solaria don't get along anymore." She said glumly. She changed her tune. "Well now you know everything about me. So! What's your excuses?" Stella looked over towards Musa and Skylar. 

"Well unlike Stella, I want to have some secrecy in my life so I won't share my deep family issues but I already visited my mom this week and I wanted to spend this time in the library." Skylar said, taking a spoonful of her cereal. "Musa?" Skylar gently asked. Musa seemed more down in the dumps today and Skylar didn't want to make it worse. 

"I haven't celebrated this day in a long tie me because I haven't got anyone to celebrate." Musa said. Stella's and Bloom's eyes widened. "I lost my mother when I was still very young." 

"Musa, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked." Stella and Skylar said. 

"You don't have to apologise! You couldn't have known! For me this day is just slightly sadder than others but hey, life goes on. There not much I can do about it besides live in her memory" Musa reassured but her eyes watered a bit of the end. Stella hugged Musa and Bloom held her hand. Stella and Bloom started crying aswell. 

"Tears, Coffee, and Milk. Not my idea of a tasty breakfast." Bloom joked. 

Stella jumped up and wiped her tears. "Alright! It's a beautiful day and there's a party in town! Music! Dancing!" A beeping noise stopped Stella in her tracks. "A message from Sky! My favorite prince! He and his friends will be in the city!" All the girls looked at eachother. "And- he's invited me... He's invited me to the big rose ball this evening!" Stella squealed in excitement. 

"Well then?" Bloom looked at Musa and Skylar. 

"Another time maybe, just not today. Thanks anyways." Musa politely declined. Bloom turned her head to Skylar. 

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