Eight: Bye Bye Bloom Bye Bye Magix

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The last few weeks of school have been quite hectic so I'm just going to give you a summary. Recently the following has happened: 

-Bloom told the Winx she was adopted and she wanted to find out more about her past. 

-Bloom went to Cloud Tower with Brandon, she thought she was the reincarnation of the evil three witches. Mirta informed Bloom that it was a trick. 

-Mirta, a brave but shy witch who doesn't like the Trix has been turned into a pumpkin by Icy. Flora has been trying everything to turn her back into her regular self but nothing has worked. 

- Professor Wiz-Giz had the students do a pop quiz in the form of a trick. The Winx resisted the urge to open the envelope with the "Answers" to the pop quiz and got an A+ because they were honest. 

-The Trix got expelled from Cloud Tower after they sent an evil monster to attack the Winx (give them nightmares) and try and take Blooms powers. Skylar fought extremely hard when all the Winx were down and nearly fainted until Headmistress Faragonda stepped in and helped them out. Skylar spent the night help heal the Winx. Skylar noticed after the night that her hands were still being weird. 

-The Winx crashed an event held by Red Fountain, turns out that Brandon is actually Prince Sky and that "Prince Sky" was actually Brandon, his squire. The now known as prince sky has a fiancé, Princess Diaspro. Bloom and Diaspro fought because Bloom thought Diaspro was one of the Trix. Diaspora thinks Bloom is crazy. Diaspro was not in fact a trix. The event was ruined. 

-Bloom feels as though she doesn't belong.


Bloom asked everyone to gather infront of one of the buildings at school so Flora and Skylar took a break from trying to heal Mirta and made their way to the spot. They were all waiting for Stella. 

"Hey! Here's Stella!" Techna called. A very tout of breath Stella came running at them. 

"We're all here now." Bloom said. Skylar wondered what was so important. 

Stella continued panting and catching her breathe. "I hope for your sake that what you've got to tell us is super important Bloom!" Stella sighed. "I was busy organising my shoes in my shoe collection." She pouted. 

"My oh my. You sure have your priorities straight." Techna sympathised sarcastically. 

Musa rolled her eyes. "Priorities straight but the rest of her brain is a little bit askew." She commented. Skylar held in a laugh. 

"I have to talk to you girls." Bloom announced. Skylar looked at her as Bloom hung her head in what seemed like sadness. After a few 'what happened?'s' Bloom continued. 

"I've been thinking long and hard about this, but after what happened at Red Fountain..." she paused. "Well I-..." she stuttered before raising her voice. "I've decided to leave Alfea! There I've said it!" 

Skylar looked at Bloom shocked. "What!" Musa gasped. 

"What?" Stella asked timidly. "It was a stupid little incident! And anyway your friend could get lost! Forget sky-Brandon-orwhateverhisnameis. You are you." She scolded. 

"Your powers are amazing Bloom! Don't waste them!" Flora warned. 

"You're just going to give everything up like that? Without knowing what the outcome will be?" Musa asked. 

"But it's dangerous! And- and it's not the end of the world! We can move past this! And....and we'll miss you." Skylar tried reasoning. She fidgeted with the Velcro on her gloves. 

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