Part one: Her eighteen birthday

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I opened my eyes to find myself in the middle of a thick forest, tall trees all around me forming a canopy with the sun rays shinning through their slender branches, and crunch of leaves and small grasses underneath my feet. I was barefooted and naked as a newborn in a crunched position.

I was confused to be in the woods as I was supposed to be asleep in my bed. I slowly got to my feet, not yet alarmed and cast my gaze out wide in search of something familiar that could give me a clue as to where I am.


The air around me was complex. A smell of so many things. Earth, rotting leaves, wildflowers, fresh, like spring. And what was amazing was how I could distinguish the individual smell. It felt as if I could see them also, instead just perceiving it.

It felt like home without me knowing why.

I continued to look around wondering if there was a path, or something.

Oddly enough the forest was quiet. Normal forest are always alive, with birds chirping above, and little lower creatures darting around, but this time it was serenely quiet.

And just as I was beginning to worry about the eerie quietness around me, a snap, like someone stepped on a dry branch shattered the deathly silence. I jumped in terror, startled by the sudden sound. I turned sharply in the direction of the sound but saw nothing.

Curious, I followed the sound.

My barefoot falling softly on the dry leaves underneath my feet.

I turned a corner and there it was. The most magnificent and beautiful creature that I have ever seen. It was crunched on all fours in the forest, with a relaxed atmosphere like it was sunbathing. It had thick fur like midnight, the size of a horse and the deepest blue eyes that radiated intelligence and power.

The beast has this untamed wildness about it, inspire of its calm demeanor.

It was so beautiful that all I could do was stare in awe.

It allowed my regard as it returned it without a slight acknowledging movement on its part.

He was the most dangerous creature I have ever seen, but I didn't feel threatened in its presence.

Our eyes connected as something passed between us. Like a thread connecting us to each other. It was mystifying and at the same time felt right. I had no idea what was happening, except something extraordinary was taking place.

I couldn't look away even if my life depended on it. I could sense intelligence in its eyes, like if I spoke it will understand.

I opened my mouth to test the theory but the forest disappeared like a puff of smoke and the next thing I know I am staring at the boring white popcorn ceiling of my bedroom.

It was a dream, was the first thing that occurred to me as I sat up in bed. Next thought was trying to figure out the meaning of my dreams.

Most people say that dreams are interpretation of our innermost desires, but I am very sure that I have never desired to be a wolf.

My greatest heart desire is getting into an Ivy League university, graduate on top my class, and become one of the best attorneys in the city. And yes settle down with Raphael, my boyfriend and have his kids.

Yes, I am a planner, and already have my ten year plan mapped out and drawn in my vision board.

So what does my dream mean?

The intense connection I heard with the creature is something I have never felt before nor shared with anybody. Not even Raphael.

A sound from downstairs intruded rudely into my thoughts, snapping me out of them into the reality of my surrounding. The sound was like chicken mumbling, with no identifiable words, but slowly the words began to filter through.

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