Chapter 13: To The Throne Room

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[Rahm's POV]

Despicable! Utterly contemptible! To imagine that I, a King, must endure such abominable humiliation! Not only am I unable to extricate myself from this degrading charade of a tea party orchestrated by that wretched bastard, but I am also powerless to rescue even a single child! I am unequivocally a failure as a king!

After having a round table brought in, I had seated myself in anticipation of a moment to strike, yet with Zeef held hostage at swordpoint, I am rendered utterly impotent! The lunatic's magic lies in Levitation, employed to animate a sword whose b...

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After having a round table brought in, I had seated myself in anticipation of a moment to strike, yet with Zeef held hostage at swordpoint, I am rendered utterly impotent! The lunatic's magic lies in Levitation, employed to animate a sword whose blade hovers perilously close to Zeef's vulnerable neck! All I am left with is the agonizing wait for Kaizuma and Saaya. How shall I dare to face them after this debacle!?

The boy was visibly distraught, directing his anger more towards himself than the enemy. He must seethe with fury at his own limitations! Oh, how his frustration gnaws at him, like a relentless beast clawing at his very soul, reminding him of his perceived inadequacies in the face of adversity. It is a bitter pill to swallow, to witness one's own weaknesses laid bare before the enemy's taunting gaze! I can empathise with him all too well!

You seem anxious, my liege. May I offer another cup? Maybe with added sugar?

That voice! Each time it grates upon my ears, I yearn to summon my roots and infuse them with thorns, then force them down his wretched throat! I want to make him taste the bitterness of his insolence until he chokes on his own arrogance! I want to make sure that he will rue the day he dared to act in such a manner in my presence!

But I can't. All I can do is stay quiet and let him savour the taste of me being powerless!

You're right! We should wait for the boy's parents, but until then, perhaps I should at least introduce myself for now. I currently go by the name Rolmen!

Like I care for such formalities!

What do you think is taking those two so long? Hm? Zeef, what do you think?

Me? I think you're just not worth their time!

Which is why I have you, my dear boy! Are you saying you're not worth their time either?

Tsk. Walked right into that one. But should you really be waiting for them? In my opinion, you'd have a higher chance of surviving if you just kill me and fuck off!

This imbecile!


This boy is begging to be slain, and not merely in a metaphorical sense! I know precisely what he's contemplating at this very moment! He sees himself as his parents' vulnerability and wishes to remove himself from the equation, even if it means embracing his own demise! A noble sentiment, perhaps, but one unsuitable for a child!

Let the boy be, Rolmen. Your business is with me and his parent's no?

That's true, but toying with the brat is also fu-

A sudden thunderous crash shattered his sentence halfway! My heart lurched as I turned to witness a window abruptly fracturing into a spiderweb of cracks and shards of glass cascading to the ground below, followed by the sound of a pair of boots landing on the carpet.

And wit the breeze that entered the throne room, a sense of joy accompanied!

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[Rolmen's POV]


Kaizuma!? He slipped in through the window!? Oh, damn it all! My soldiers were supposed to be waiting to ambush him and Saaya in the corridors! But wait! Where even is Saaya!?

You! I'll fucking kill you!

Such fearsome words, spoken with a deadly tone! Even with his son sitting right next to me, I can't shake this sense of vulnerability. The sheer terror that grips me as I hear his voice is unimaginable! With every step he takes, purple lightning crackles and disperses into the carpet. But it's not just the lightning that concerns me; it's the ominous aura that oozed out of him, creeping like tendrils of smoke from a raging bonfire. It's this energy, reaching for the sky, that fills me with a dread I can scarcely comprehend.

You are so fucking de-

Kaizuma! He has Zeef within sword reach!

I'll be fine! Just kill him in one blow!

Go ahead and try! You'll be down a family member for the rest of your life and it'll all be because you couldn't control yourself!

What followed was a tense silence, thick with anticipation. The only sound that broke the stillness was the crackling of his lightning, filling the air with its ominous energy. His glare bore into me with a chilling intent, leaving no doubt of his deadly intentions.

Kaizuma! Stand down! Now! Or it's your son's head that will be rolling!

Having the king here was a stroke of genius. With Zeef kidnapped, I knew Kaizuma, Saaya and Kuriyami would be consumed by their rage, clouding their judgment. Kaizuma's reckless actions were proof enough of that! If left unchecked, they would have struck without a second thought, unaware that Zeef was already at swordpoint.

Alright! I'll stop!

As you should.


Safe. For now. The crackling lightning faded, and with it, his eerie aura dissipated. But that glare... that menacing stare persisted, now tinged with a cruel satisfaction, as if relishing in my discomfort. It sent a shiver down my spine, a warning of darker intentions lurking beneath the surface.

This is all now a very risky game! One slip up from them, Zeef's dead, one slip up from me, I'm dead!

Have a seat, General. We have much to discuss!

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